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11 | II Série A - Número: 010S1 | 9 de Outubro de 2008

3 be a party to legal proceedings; and 4 conclude agreements with States or international organisations.

(2) The Director and the Staff of the ECO shall have privileges and immunities in Denmark as defined in an Agreement concerning the Headquarters of the ECO between the ECO and the Government of Denmark.
(3) Other countries may grant similar privileges and immunities in support of the ECO's activities in such countries, in particular with regard to immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken and written and all acts performed by the Director and the Staff of the ECO in their official capacity.

Article 5 Organs of the ECO The ECO shall consist of a Council and a Director, assisted by a Staff.

Article 6 The Council (1) The Council shall consist of representatives of the Contracting Parties.
(2) The Council shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman, who shall be a representative of a Contracting Party. The term of office shall be three years, renewable for one period. The Chairman shall have authority to act on behalf of the Council.
(3) Representatives of the CEPT Presidency and the CEPT Committees, the European Commission and of the Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association may participate in the Council with the status of Observer.

Article 7 Functions of the Council

(1) The Council shall be the supreme decision-making body of the ECO and shall in particular: 1 determine the ECO's policy on technical and administrative matters; 2 approve the work programme, the budget and the accounts; 3 determine the number of staff and their terms of employment; 4 appoint the Director and the Staff;