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21 | II Série A - Número: 162S1 | 14 de Abril de 2012

(c) Inviolability for all papers and documents relating to the work on which they are engaged for the Organization; (d) For the purpose of their communications with the Organization, the right to use codes and to receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags; (e) The same facilities in respect of currency and exchange restrictions and in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to officials of foreign Governments on temporary official missions.

4. Privileges and immunities are granted to the experts in the interests of the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves. The SecretaryGeneral of the Organization shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any expert in any case where, in his/her opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and it can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the Organization.

5. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall apply to representatives of Affiliate Members performing missions for the Organization as experts.

6. The privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities referred to in section 21 of the standard clauses shall also be accorded to the Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization, his/her spouse and minor children.