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g ensuring that contact between victims and perpetrators within court and law enforcement

agency premises is avoided where possible;

h providing victims with independent and competent interpreters when victims are parties to

proceedings or when they are supplying evidence;

i enabling victims to testify, according to the rules provided by their internal law, in the

courtroom without being present or at least without the presence of the alleged perpetrator,

notably through the use of appropriate communication technologies, where available.

2 A child victim and child witness of violence against women and domestic violence shall be

afforded, where appropriate, special protection measures taking into account the best interests of

the child.

Article 57 – Legal aid

Parties shall provide for the right to legal assistance and to free legal aid for victims under the

conditions provided by their internal law.

Article 58 – Statute of limitation

Parties shall take the necessary legislative and other measures to ensure that the statute of limitation

for initiating any legal proceedings with regard to the offences established in accordance with

Articles 36, 37, 38 and 39 of this Convention, shall continue for a period of time that is sufficient and

commensurate with the gravity of the offence in question, to allow for the efficient initiation of

proceedings after the victim has reached the age of majority.

Chapter VII – Migration and asylum

Article 59 – Residence status

1 Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that victims whose residence

status depends on that of the spouse or partner as recognised by internal law, in the event of the

dissolution of the marriage or the relationship, are granted in the event of particularly difficult

circumstances, upon application, an autonomous residence permit irrespective of the duration of

the marriage or the relationship. The conditions relating to the granting and duration of the

autonomous residence permit are established by internal law.

2 Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that victims may obtain the

suspension of expulsion proceedings initiated in relation to a residence status dependent on that of

the spouse or partner as recognised by internal law to enable them to apply for an autonomous

residence permit.

3 Parties shall issue a renewable residence permit to victims in one of the two following situations, or

in both:

a where the competent authority considers that their stay is necessary owing to their personal


b where the competent authority considers that their stay is necessary for the purpose of their

co-operation with the competent authorities in investigation or criminal proceedings.

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