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the one where they reside may make a complaint before the competent authorities of their State of


3 If a Party that makes mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, extradition or enforcement of civil

or criminal judgments imposed by another Party to this Convention conditional on the existence of

a treaty receives a request for such legal co-operation from a Party with which it has not concluded

such a treaty, it may consider this Convention to be the legal basis for mutual legal assistance in

criminal matters, extradition or enforcement of civil or criminal judgments imposed by the other

Party in respect of the offences established in accordance with this Convention.

4 Parties shall endeavour to integrate, where appropriate, the prevention and the fight against

violence against women and domestic violence in assistance programmes for development

provided for the benefit of third States, including by entering into bilateral and multilateral

agreements with third States with a view to facilitating the protection of victims in accordance with

Article 18, paragraph 5.

Article 63 – Measures relating to persons at risk

When a Party, on the basis of the information at its disposal, has reasonable grounds to believe that

a person is at immediate risk of being subjected to any of the acts of violence referred to in Articles

36, 37, 38 and 39 of this Convention on the territory of another Party, the Party that has the

information is encouraged to transmit it without delay to the latter for the purpose of ensuring that

appropriate protection measures are taken. Where applicable, this information shall include details

on existing protection provisions for the benefit of the person at risk.

Article 64 – Information

1 The requested Party shall promptly inform the requesting Party of the final result of the action

taken under this chapter. The requested Party shall also promptly inform the requesting Party of

any circumstances which render impossible the carrying out of the action sought or are likely to

delay it significantly.

2 A Party may, within the limits of its internal law, without prior request, forward to another Party

information obtained within the framework of its own investigations when it considers that the

disclosure of such information might assist the receiving Party in preventing criminal offences

established in accordance with this Convention or in initiating or carrying out investigations or

proceedings concerning such criminal offences or that it might lead to a request for co-operation by

that Party under this chapter.

3 A Party receiving any information in accordance with paragraph 2 shall submit such information to

its competent authorities in order that proceedings may be taken if they are considered appropriate,

or that this information may be taken into account in relevant civil and criminal proceedings.

Article 65 – Data Protection

Personal data shall be stored and used pursuant to the obligations undertaken by the Parties under

the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal

Data (ETS No. 108).

Chapter IX – Monitoring mechanism

Article 66 – Group of experts on action against violence against women and domestic violence

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