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Article 68 – Procedure

1 Parties shall submit to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, based on a questionnaire

prepared by GREVIO, a report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of

this Convention, for consideration by GREVIO.

2 GREVIO shall consider the report submitted in accordance with paragraph 1 with the

representatives of the Party concerned.

3 Subsequent evaluation procedures shall be divided into rounds, the length of which is determined

by GREVIO. At the beginning of each round GREVIO shall select the specific provisions on which

the evaluation procedure shall be based and send out a questionnaire.

4 GREVIO shall define the appropriate means to carry out this monitoring procedure. It may in

particular adopt a questionnaire for each evaluation round, which shall serve as a basis for the

evaluation procedure of the implementation by the Parties. This questionnaire shall be addressed to

all Parties. Parties shall respond to this questionnaire, as well as to any other request of information

from GREVIO.

5 GREVIO may receive information on the implementation of the Convention from non-

governmental organisations and civil society, as well as from national institutions for the protection

of human rights.

6 GREVIO shall take due consideration of the existing information available from other regional and

international instruments and bodies in areas falling within the scope of this Convention.

7 When adopting a questionnaire for each evaluation round, GREVIO shall take due consideration of

the existing data collection and research in the Parties as referred to in Article 11 of this


8 GREVIO may receive information on the implementation of the Convention from the Council of

Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the Parliamentary Assembly and relevant specialised

bodies of the Council of Europe, as well as those established under other international instruments.

Complaints presented to these bodies and their outcome will be made available to GREVIO.

9 GREVIO may subsidiarily organise, in co-operation with the national authorities and with the

assistance of independent national experts, country visits, if the information gained is insufficient

or in cases provided for in paragraph 14. During these visits, GREVIO may be assisted by specialists

in specific fields.

10 GREVIO shall prepare a draft report containing its analysis concerning the implementation of the

provisions on which the evaluation is based, as well as its suggestions and proposals concerning the

way in which the Party concerned may deal with the problems which have been identified. The

draft report shall be transmitted for comments to the Party which undergoes the evaluation. Its

comments shall be taken into account by GREVIO when adopting its report.

11 On the basis of all the information received and the comments by the Parties, GREVIO shall adopt

its report and conclusions concerning the measures taken by the Party concerned to implement the

provisions of this Convention. This report and the conclusions shall be sent to the Party concerned

and to the Committee of the Parties. The report and conclusions of GREVIO shall be made public as

from their adoption, together with eventual comments by the Party concerned.

12 Without prejudice to the procedure of paragraphs 1 to 8, the Committee of the Parties may adopt,

on the basis of the report and conclusions of GREVIO, recommendations addressed to this Party (a)

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