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5. The right to obtain reparation referred to in paragraph 4 of this article covers

material and moral damages and, where appropriate, other forms of reparation such as:

(a) Restitution;

(b) Rehabilitation;

(c) Satisfaction, including restoration of dignity and reputation;

(d) Guarantees of non-repetition.

6. Without prejudice to the obligation to continue the investigation until the fate of the

disappeared person has been clarified, each State Party shall take the appropriate steps

with regard to the legal situation of disappeared persons whose fate has not been

clarified and that of their relatives, in fields such as social welfare, financial matters,

family law and property rights.

7. Each State Party shall guarantee the right to form and participate freely in

organizations and associations concerned with attempting to establish the

circumstances of enforced disappearances and the fate of disappeared persons, and to

assist victims of enforced disappearance.

Article 25

1. Each State Party shall take the necessary measures to prevent and punish under its

criminal law:

(a) The wrongful removal of children who are subjected to enforced disappearance,

children whose father, mother or legal guardian is subjected to enforced disappearance

or children born during the captivity of a mother subjected to enforced disappearance;

(b) The falsification, concealment or destruction of documents attesting to the true

identity of the children referred to in subparagraph (a) above.

2. Each State Party shall take the necessary measures to search for and identify the

children referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of this article and to return them to their

families of origin, in accordance with legal procedures and applicable international


3. States Parties shall assist one another in searching for, identifying and locating the

children referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of this article.

4. Given the need to protect the best interests of the children referred to in paragraph 1

(a) of this article and their right to preserve, or to have re-established, their identity,

including their nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law, States

Parties which recognize a system of adoption or other form of placement of children

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