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violation. Where the Committee exercises its discretion, this does not imply a

determination on admissibility or on the merits of the communication.

5. The Committee shall hold closed meetings when examining communications under

the present article. It shall inform the author of a communication of the responses

provided by the State Party concerned. When the Committee decides to finalize the

procedure, it shall communicate its views to the State Party and to the author of the


Article 32

A State Party to this Convention may at any time declare that it recognizes the

competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications in which a

State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under this

Convention. The Committee shall not receive communications concerning a State

Party which has not made such a declaration, nor communications from a State Party

which has not made such a declaration.

Article 33

1. If the Committee receives reliable information indicating that a State Party is

seriously violating the provisions of this Convention, it may, after consultation with

the State Party concerned, request one or more of its members to undertake a visit and

report back to it without delay.

2. The Committee shall notify the State Party concerned, in writing, of its intention to

organize a visit, indicating the composition of the delegation and the purpose of the

visit. The State Party shall answer the Committee within a reasonable time.

3. Upon a substantiated request by the State Party, the Committee may decide to

postpone or cancel its visit.

4. If the State Party agrees to the visit, the Committee and the State Party concerned

shall work together to define the modalities of the visit and the State Party shall

provide the Committee with all the facilities needed for the successful completion of

the visit.

5. Following its visit, the Committee shall communicate to the State Party concerned

its observations and recommendations.

Article 34

If the Committee receives information which appears to it to contain well-founded

indications that enforced disappearance is being practiced on a widespread or

systematic basis in the territory under the jurisdiction of a State Party, it may, after

seeking from the State Party concerned all relevant information on the situation,

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