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3. In the light of the information provided by the State Party concerned in accordance

with paragraph 2 of this article, the Committee may transmit recommendations to the

State Party, including a request that the State Party should take all the necessary

measures, including interim measures, to locate and protect the person concerned in

accordance with this Convention and to inform the Committee, within a specified

period of time, of measures taken, taking into account the urgency of the situation.

The Committee shall inform the person submitting the urgent action request of its

recommendations and of the information provided to it by the State as it becomes


4. The Committee shall continue its efforts to work with the State Party concerned for

as long as the fate of the person sought remains unresolved. The person presenting the

request shall be kept informed.

Article 31

1. A State Party may at the time of ratification of this Convention or at any time

afterwards declare that it recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and

consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction

claiming to be victims of a violation by this State Party of provisions of this

Convention. The Committee shall not admit any communication concerning a State

Party which has not made such a declaration.

2. The Committee shall consider a communication inadmissible where:

(a) The communication is anonymous;

(b) The communication constitutes an abuse of the right of submission of such

communications or is incompatible with the provisions of this Convention;

(c) The same matter is being examined under another procedure of international

investigation or settlement of the same nature; or where

(d) All effective available domestic remedies have not been exhausted. This rule shall

not apply where the application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.

3. If the Committee considers that the communication meets the requirements set out

in paragraph 2 of this article, it shall transmit the communication to the State Party

concerned, requesting it to provide observations and comments within a time limit set

by the Committee.

4. At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a determination on the

merits has been reached, the Committee may transmit to the State Party concerned for

its urgent consideration a request that the State Party will take such interim measures

as may be necessary to avoid possible irreparable damage to the victims of the alleged

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