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shall, in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 1 of this article, appoint

another candidate from among its nationals to serve out his or her term, subject to the

approval of the majority of the States Parties. Such approval shall be considered to

have been obtained unless half or more of the States Parties respond negatively within

six weeks of having been informed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of

the proposed appointment.

6. The Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.

7. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the Committee with the

necessary means, staff and facilities for the effective performance of its functions. The

Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene the initial meeting of the


8. The members of the Committee shall be entitled to the facilities, privileges and

immunities of experts on mission for the United Nations, as laid down in the relevant

sections of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.

9. Each State Party shall cooperate with the Committee and assist its members in the

fulfilment of their mandate, to the extent of the Committee’s functions that the State Party has accepted.

Article 27

A Conference of the States Parties will take place at the earliest four years and at the

latest six years following the entry into force of this Convention to evaluate the

functioning of the Committee and to decide, in accordance with the procedure

described in article 44, paragraph 2, whether it is appropriate to transfer to another

body — without excluding any possibility — the monitoring of this Convention, in accordance with the functions defined in articles 28 to 36.

Article 28

1. In the framework of the competencies granted by this Convention, the Committee

shall cooperate with all relevant organs, offices and specialized agencies and funds of

the United Nations, with the treaty bodies instituted by international instruments, with

the special procedures of the United Nations and with the relevant regional

intergovernmental organizations or bodies, as well as with all relevant State

institutions, agencies or offices working towards the protection of all persons against

enforced disappearances.

2. As it discharges its mandate, the Committee shall consult other treaty bodies

instituted by relevant international human rights instruments, in particular the Human

Rights Committee instituted by the International Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights, with a view to ensuring the consistency of their respective observations and


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