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76 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 29 de Abril de 2014

Article 26 Traffic regulations and motor vehicles

1. With the exception of exemptions provided in this Supplementary Agreement, Portuguese traffic regulations shall apply to the operation of official motor vehicles and trailers of an Allied Headquarters and to the operation of privately owned motor vehicles, trailers, and water craft of its members and their dependents, regardless of type.
2. Official motor vehicles and trailers, regardless of their type, of an Allied Headquarters shall be afforded the same exemptions from Portuguese traffic regulations as are afforded to Portuguese Armed Forces.
3. If considered necessary by the Allied Headquarters, and paying due regard to public safety and order, and the protection of the environment, the Portuguese Republic shall, in respect of official motor vehicles and trailers of an Allied Headquarters, grant exemptions from Portuguese regulations concerning the specifications on construction, design and equipment of such motor vehicles and trailers, regardless of their type.
4. Privately owned motor vehicles of any type and trailers temporarily imported in accordance with the Agreement, Article XI, paragraph 6, and the Protocol, Article 8, paragraph 3, shall for the period of such importation, be subject only to the minimum construction, design and equipment regulations applicable to tourist motor vehicles and trailers in the Portuguese Republic, taking at the same time due account of public safety and order.
5. With regard to the certification of the motor vehicle technical standards stated above for all types of official and privately owned motor vehicles and trailers, an Allied Headquarters may use those operated by the Portuguese Armed Forces or, subject to a separate arrangement, establish its own technical inspection stations. In latter case, the Portuguese Republic shall, at no cost to an Allied Headquarters, provide all necessary basic machinery and make the operators available as well as issue the necessary technical inspection certificates.

Article 27 Driving licences

1. The provisions of the Agreement, Article IV, shall extend to all members and to their dependents, on the condition that they satisfy the driving requirements in the Portuguese Republic. If so required by Portuguese regulations, the Portuguese Republic shall issue a Portuguese driver’s licence, without additional tests, fees, or requesting the surrender or deposit of the original licence. Upon request of the Portuguese Republic, the concerned Allied Headquarters shall provide an endorsement to confirm that an individual is an Allied Headquarters member or dependent. 2. Whilst in the Portuguese Republic members and dependents who satisfy the legal requirements in the Portuguese Republic shall be permitted to obtain a Portuguese driving license after complying with the appropriate Portuguese regulations.
3. Subject to further arrangements, the Portuguese Republic shall assist an Allied Headquarters in establishing and accrediting driver’s instructions, testing, and licenses in the Portuguese Republic.

Article 28 Registration plates

1. The Portuguese Republic shall register motor vehicles and issue registration plates for the official motor vehicles and trailers of an Allied Headquarters and of the members’ and their dependents’ privately owned motor vehicles and trailers, regardless of their type in accordance with the terms set out in this Supplementary Agreement.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, or the Agreement, Article XI, an Allied Headquarters shall, subject to further arrangements with the Portuguese Republic, be entitled to perform the registration of its official motor vehicles and trailers and of the members’ and their dependents’ privately owned motor vehicles and trailers,