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1 DE ABRIL DE 2015 11

3 Moreover, any amendment proposed by a Party or the Committee of Ministers shall be communicated to

the Consultation of the Parties, which shall submit to the Committee of Ministers its opinion on the proposed


4 The Committee of Ministers shall consider the proposed amendment and any opinion submitted by the

Consultation of the Parties and may approve the amendment.

5 The text of any amendment approved by the Committee of Ministers in accordance with paragraph 4 shall

be forwarded to the Parties for acceptance.

6 Any amendment approved in accordance with paragraph 4 shall come into force on the thirtieth day after

all Parties have informed the Secretary General of their acceptance thereof.

Article 28 – Revision of the Appendix

1 In order to update the list of treaties in the Appendix, amendments may be proposed by any Party or by

the Committee of Ministers. These proposals for amendment shall only concern universal treaties concluded

within the United Nations system dealing specifically with international terrorism and having entered into force.

They shall be communicated by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to the Parties.

2 After having consulted the non-member Parties, the Committee of Ministers may adopt a proposed

amendment by the majority provided for in Article 20.d of the Statute of the Council of Europe. The amendment

shall enter into force following the expiry of a period of one year after the date on which it has been forwarded to

the Parties. During this period, any Party may notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of any

objection to the entry into force of the amendment in respect of that Party.

3 If one third of the Parties notifies the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of an objection to the

entry into force of the amendment, the amendment shall not enter into force.

4 If less than one third of the Parties notifies an objection, the amendment shall enter into force for those

Parties which have not notified an objection.

5 Once an amendment has entered into force in accordance with paragraph 2 and a Party has notified an

objection to it, this amendment shall come into force in respect of the Party concerned on the first day of the

month following the date on which it notifies the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of its acceptance.

Article 29 – Settlement of disputes

In the event of a dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of this Convention, they shall

seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiation or any other peaceful means of their choice, including

submission of the dispute to an arbitral tribunal whose decisions shall be binding upon the Parties to the dispute,

or to the International Court of Justice, as agreed upon by the Parties concerned.

Article 30 – Consultation of the Parties

1 The Parties shall consult periodically with a view to:

a making proposals to facilitate or improve the effective use and implementation of this Convention, including

the identification of any problems and the effects of any declaration made under this Convention;

b formulating its opinion on the conformity of a refusal to extradite which is referred to them in accordance

with Article 20, paragraph 8;

c making proposals for the amendment of this Convention in accordance with Article 27;

d formulating their opinion on any proposal for the amendment of this Convention which is referred to them

in accordance with Article 27, paragraph 3;

e expressing an opinion on any question concerning the application of this Convention and facilitating the

exchange of information on significant legal, policy or technological developments.

2 The Consultation of the Parties shall be convened by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

whenever he finds it necessary and in any case when a majority of the Parties or the Committee of Ministers

request its convocation.