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5. State subsidy or support means the provision of support on a discriminatory basis to a

Designated Airline, directly or indirectly, by the state or by a public or private body

designated or controlled by the state. Without limitation, it may include the setting-off of

operational losses; the provision of capital, non-refundable grants or loans on privileged

terms; the granting of financial advantages by forgoing profits or the recovery of sums due;

the forgoing of a normal return on public funds used; tax exemptions; compensation for

financial burdens imposed by the public authorities; or discriminatory access to airport

facilities, fuels or other reasonable facilities necessary for the normal operation of Air


6. Where a Party provides state subsidy or support to a Designated Airline in respect of

services operated under this Agreement, it shall require that Airline to identify the subsidy

or support clearly and separately in its accounts.

7. If one Party has substantiated concerns that its Designated Airlines are being subjected

to discrimination or unfair practices, or that a subsidy or support being considered or

provided by the other Party would adversely affect or is adversely affecting the fair and

equal opportunity of the Airlines of the first Party to compete in providing International Air

Service, it shall have the right to suspend the exercise of the rights specified in Article 2 of

this Agreement by the Airline designated by the other Party, or to revoke the operating

authorization, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise of

these rights.



1. The timetables of the Agreed Services and in general the conditions of their operation

shall be notified to the Aeronautical Authorities of the other Party, at least thirty (30) days

before the intended date of their implementation. Any significant modification to such

timetables or conditions of their operation shall also be notified to the Aeronautical

6 DE OUTUBRO DE 2020__________________________________________________________________________________________________________