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Intercultural Dialogue, hereinafter referred to as the «Parties»;

Having regard to the desire of both the Portuguese Republic and the Centre that the Seat of the Centre be

located in Lisbon, Portugal;

Having regard to the Agreement for the Establishment of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International

Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, done at Vienna, on 13 October 2011;

Desiring to establish the status, privileges and immunities of the Centre, and of persons connected with it, in

the Portuguese Republic necessary to enable the Centre to carry out its functions;

Agree further on the following:



Article 1


For the purpose of this Agreement:

(a) «Agreement Establishing the Centre» means the Agreement for the Establishment of the King Abdullah

bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue of 13 October 2011, entered into

force on 21 October 2012, and any amendments thereto;

(b) «Centre» means King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural

Dialogue (KAICIID);

(c) «Portuguese authorities» means such authorities in the Portuguese Republic as may be appropriate in

the context, in accordance with the laws and procedures applicable in the Portuguese Republic;

(d) «Staff Members of the Centre» means all permanent staff members of the Secretariat appointed under a

letter of appointment as well as all persons seconded by a Government or an international organization to the

Centre, excluding personnel locally recruited who are assigned to hourly rates;

(e) «Official Activities» means any activities necessary for carrying out the objectives and purposes of the

Centre as set forth in the Agreement Establishing the Centre;

(f) «Persons in Official Functions» means those persons carrying out official functions in relation to the

Centre who are not Staff Members, namely the representatives of the Council of Parties, the members of the

Board of Directors and the members of the Advisory Forum; as well as representatives of Governments and

international organizations co-operating with the Centre, visiting representatives of major religions and faith-

based and cultural institutions and experts, including visiting lecturers, who are invited by the Centre;

(g) «Official documents, data and other material» means such documents, data, data carriers, including

servers, and other items used by the Centre for carrying out the Official Activities of the Centre;

(h) «Seat» comprises the land and premises, including installations and offices, that the Centre occupies for

its Official Activities in accordance with Article 2.

Article 2


The location and area of the Seat of the Centre shall be defined by the Government of the Portuguese

Republic and the Centre, by mutual understanding.

Article 3

Legal capacity and status

The Portuguese Republic recognizes the legal capacity of the Centre as an International Organisation within

Portugal, in particular its capacity: