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maximum period to be defined (e.g. 12 months-18 months) or up to a new employment date

with another entity, if sooner;

This solution would enable her to receive remuneration during a transition to a new employer

and reduce the financial (immediate) impact for TAP.

Happy to discuss this with you tomorrow morning.



No dia 30 de janeiro de 2022 realizam-se as eleições legislativas.

No dia 31 de janeiro de 2022, às 20h46, o Advogado CSE envia um email a Christine Ourmières-

Widener com uma segunda proposta de acordo.

Dear Christine,

As per our conversation, the negotiation with Alexandra Reis’ lawyer has evolved to the following

main proposal terms, which she has stated to be final:

1. € 500k as compensation for the early termination of the role of director for the on-going

mandate (2021/2024);

[initial position was € 1,281k, corresponding to the estimated remuneration owed until the end

of the mandate]

2. € 61 k as compensation for termination of the employment contract calculated based on the

statutory legal provisions, considering the terms of the employment contract (commencement

date 01/09/2017 and previous remuneration of EUR 12,000), subject to a 25 % enhancement +

2 months, in line with the conditions applied for mutual termination agreements

(“RMA’s/Programas de Voluntários”), plus an additional € 5k;

3. Credits related to untaken holidays to be ascertained, subject to the 30 % cut;

4. Maintenance of health insurance for a 24 month period and maintenance of current travel

benefits/ facilidades de passagem for a 60 month period;

5. Transfer of mobile phone number (and option to purchase phone and PC, in accordance with

common practice).

Please let me know whether TAP would be receptive to accepting this proposal.



18 DE JULHO DE 2023______________________________________________________________________________________________________