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24 | - Número: 009 | 24 de Novembro de 2012

Relatório elaborado pelo Deputado Mendes Bota, do PSD, relativo à sua participação na Conferência organizada pelo Centro Norte/Sul “The Political and Socio-Economical Empowerment of Women Based on Women’s Stories”, da Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa (APCE), que decorreu em Istambul, nos dias 5 e 6 de novembro de 2012

Relatório n.º 64

OBJECTIVO: Participação numa conferência organizada pelo Centro Norte/Sul do Conselho da Europa – “The Political and Socio-economical Empowerment of Women Based on Women’s Stories”

No dia 5 de novembro de 2012, comecei por participar numa reunião da Subcomissão Ad Hoc, composta pelos membros da APCE presentes em Istambul.
Seguidamente, e na qualidade de orador convidado, fiz uma intervenção de abertura da 3ª sessão da conferência organizada pelo Centro Norte/Sul do Conselho da Europa – “The Political and Socio-economical Empowerment of Women Based on Women’s Stories”, cujo conteõdo consta em anexo ao presente relatório.
Esta sessão foi dedicada ao tema “Combating violence against women”, tendo no final feito uma intervenção para responder a várias perguntas da assistência.
Assisti aos trabalhos da conferência até ao final, no dia 6 de novembro de 2012.

Assembleia da República, 8 de novembro de 2012.
O Deputado do PSD, José Mendes Bota.


Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota on the conference about “The Political and Socio-economical Empowerment of Women – based on women’ s stories”, organised by the North-South Center 3rd Session on “Combating Violence Against Women” Istanbul, 5-6 November 2012

“Violence from women is not a fatality, it is a reality, it must be changed”

Introductory remarks Dear friends,

I am very happy to be here among you in Istanbul, the city that gave its name to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Of course this is no coincidence. We are here, and the Convention was opened to signature here, because the Turkish authorities have a real political will to tackle the scourge of gender-based violence. As we all know, Turkey was also the first country – unfortunately also the only one so far – to ratify the Convention. Which means that in Turkey the Government and the Parliament are equally committed in this fight. This commitment is timely. Violence against women is a global problem, it affects women from all walks of life in all countries and regions. However, some countries have found it more difficult to become fully aware of this issue, or to put it high in their political agenda. Therefore, I would like to express my appreciation to Turkey for leading the way, particularly in the Mediterranean region.