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7 | - Número: 016 | 16 de Fevereiro de 2013

I completely agree. But such breakthrough in the way parental responsibilities are shared implies a direct disturbance of consciences, in the peoples’ personal relations – amongst themselves as well as with their employing entities – and, consequently, the stirring of a long established status quo.
This is no minor point in the understanding of the immense task ahead. But it should also shine a light on the urgency of such measure taking. Status quo is, has always been, a force to reckon with. Nowhere in this populous Earth has any king ever handed his kingdom to any rival without a fight. Wars were waged over status quo! There’s much to gain in sticking with the status quo – for the domineering minority at least... But status quo isn’t the reason this Assembly was created. It certainly isn’t what the people expect of us.
And there are thousands, millions of women out there – capable, independent, creative individuals, just waiting for the day when their full potential might be legitimised by a world forever struggling with its moral shortcomings.
So in speaking of kings and despots there is one that, though at times silent and invisible, immediately meets the eye in our modern societies: the reign of gender discrimination. Its ruler is one that bears no face, brandishes no sword, yet his rule has outlasted that of any other known to Man.
In order to overthrow this symbol of gender despotism we must first lay the foundations to our own Battle Quarters. These foundations are neither material nor simple in composition, but they are as solid as the thickest iron, as unbreakable as the sturdiest pole, simply because they stand on principle, and from principles nations thrive, while others falter.
So let us knock on doors, talk to people! Let us depart with our comfort zones. It is no small task, but neither is the cause a vain one. Do not be fooled: in the realization of true gender equality lies the logical future of mankind. It’s true, for reconciliation between family and professional duties significant investments are demanded of states and employers. We talk of financial support, substantial adjustments, assistance services... – all of which come at a price: a costly one.
However, let me ask you this in return: how many of you are willing to continue turning the other way before this systemic discrimination of one gender by the other? We are talking about our spouses, our friends, our sisters! And well aware are we of the sacrifices, when faced with the inevitable choice, most women are willing to make for the sake of motherhood – at the expense of their jobs, careers, social lives and, more often than anon, at the expense of their very independence. But it’s often an unwilling sacrifice. One that stems from a lack of initiative from the main stakeholders – and we, the lawmakers, are largely to blame.
It is true what they say that ‘Rome wasn’t built in one day.’ But surely some grand design must have been at the core of the first foundations, the first stone laid – a sacred bond between the people and immortality. Today the names of those first pioneers are forever inscribed in fire in the back of our minds. Now let us, modern explorers of the day, be the flag-bearers of another great ideal: that of gender equality! A DIVISÃO DE REDAÇÃO E APOIO AUDIOVISUAL.