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5 | - Número: 024 | 11 de Maio de 2013

How often do we turn on the news to find yet another wealthy ‘westerner’ caught abusing underaged minors in Thailand or posing as the ringleader for some internet child pornography network? And it’s not just that, but over recent years how many cases can we recall of celebrities in our own countries, reputable personalities, at odds with the law on shameful charges of child molestation.
At one point one starts wondering if it’s not something inprinted in our cultural genes, the culmination of a long history of patriarchate and taboo practices.
But surely, one comes to think, this is not a problem restricted to one certain region or other. No place on the planet is immune to these modern day predators.
And yet one cannot help discerning a growing trend among the profile of these aggressors. They are all too often the well-to-do in life, our civil and sociable neighbors, the very people we ask our children to behold as role models when taking into account their future lives and adulthood.
Everything, from the dwindling influence of religion, the growing pressures of modern life, to the constriction of personal expression in cities more and more overpopulated and insensitive, is a factor in the formation of the monstrous mentality of the sex offender.
Despite an ever widening propagation and liberalization of sexuality, in the same way many men and women have come to grow wary of its commons standards, almost desensitized to its aesthetic vulgarity, and, in overcompensating for their asphixiating individualities, prone to channel their instincts into ever more marginal and distorted ways of sexual expression.
In this context, the growing predominance as well of careers in detriment of family space, more and more centered in abstract concepts of success and often occurring within the perimeter of oppressive and dehumanized employing entities, plays an important part in subverting the way people perceive others and their place in the world. Thus, it’s the development of a healthy sexuality that’s jeopardized, having only to offer in its place condensed parcels of feeling, devoid of its humane components, which, like the willow tree, needs time and care to fully develop. Let me say that it is no surprise that so many of our modern sex offenders come from such unsuspecting walks of life. The upholders of gender equality usually boast of the exclusive to work place ethics and awareness actions – it’s one of their prioritary antics –, but in my opinion it would probably be an interesting idea to extend the scope of those actions and courses so that it includes the theme at hand – the theme of child abuse. Of course, this is not a suggestion to take lightly. Of course, many will argue – and rightly so – that paedophilia and child sex tourism are problems liable to happen in any part of the world, involving a diversity of protagonists. But when one thinks that prostitution is still seen in many of our countries as something tolerable, and even glorifying from a male perspective; something of a ritual and a hallmark for manliness; and at the same time when one realizes that a significant part of the victims of prostitution is comprised of underaged girls, mostly, and boys.
Such a phenomenon resorted by people from all classes and social castes; when we add it all up the chips start to fall into place and the global picture becomes more clear: we need to take vigorous and sometimes exceptional measures! This is a fight on bias and traditional view as well. It makes sense to tackle gender equality, violence against women and children abuse in the same coordinated approach. Because many times the frontier lines blur with one another. Because the historical perception still prevails among some men that a girl of 16 or 17 is to be held in the same footing as a woman of 35, and therefore fully accountable for her actions. But they are not. A girl of 16 and 17 is an underaged minor. And the forceable intercourse with a fully adult man is what it is – a crime punishable by law.
A dirty spot on Tourism image! There is no doubt that we are facing an epidemic that will not simply go away on account of any legislative actions.