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10. Also calls on parliaments to adopt a common strategy to counter the remote recruitment of combatants

and propaganda on the Internet, especially on social networks;

11.Urges the competent UN bodies to adopt the emergency measures needed to support the efforts being

made on the ground by the countries of the Economic Community of Central African States and the Economic

Community of West African States, to fight Boko Haram;

12. Endorses the initiatives taken by the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the African Union and the

international community to find a solution to the problem, notably the establishment of the Multinational Joint

Task Force;

13. Reaffirms the significance of dialogue among the governments and parliaments of all countries involved

in the fight against terrorism.



The Sustainable Development Goals: Turning Words into Action

Adopted by the 132nd IPU Assembly

(Hanoi, 1 April 2015)

We, parliamentarians from over 130 countries and 23 international and regional parliamentary

organizations, gathered in Hanoi, Viet Nam, reviewed the emerging sustainable development goals and

considered our role in attaining them.

This is our declaration.

Despite global advances in technology, health, knowledge, and material wealth, longstanding economic and

social disparities are increasing, to the detriment of the whole planet, with progress continuing to elude many

the world over.

This situation — exacerbated by the urgent threat of climate change and growing waves of social unrest,

political instability and conflict within or between countries — is coming to a head. As we saw with the

Millennium Development Goals, international commitments can only be met with strong political will, leadership

and national ownership. As parliamentarians, we have a moral obligation to act.

The adoption of the post-2015 development agenda and its sustainable development goals in September

2015 will afford a unique opportunity to meet global challenges, using a universal, integrated approach that will

apply to all countries and link poverty eradication to sustainable development.


At this critical moment, we, the parliamentarians of the world, reaffirm our vision for people-centred

sustainable development based on the realization of all human rights, to eradicate poverty in all its forms, and

eliminate inequalities, thus empowering all individuals to exercise their full potential. This requires conditions of

peace and security, in full observance of the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

Poverty eradication and sustainable development are a shared commitment for us all, and we should all

strive for a balanced and more equitable distribution of resources. Our current production and consumption

patterns are clearly unsustainable, and all countries –developed and developing alike — need to work together,

based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. That is the only way we can advance

towards a common model of inclusive and sustainable growth.