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including through the ongoing and orderly phase-out of imports of Russian fossil fuels;

85. Calls on governments to ensure greater efforts at the OSCE and EU levels topromote an economic and infrastructural reconstruction programme for Ukrainewith the contribution of the States in the OSCE area;

86. Calls on participating States to develop initiatives for strengthening inter-generational relations and dialogue, enhancing the quality of life in old age andraising living standards across the whole region, and encourages nationalauthorities to monitor demographic changes in the OSCE region throughdedicated working groups, committees and departments, with the aim of betterunderstanding plausible causes and consequences, as well as to consider viablestrategies for remedial action, such as various family supportive measures andother measures intended to revitalize “depopulated” areas and countries facingdemographic crisis, through policies such as investments in material and digitalinfrastructure, digital nomad visas, e-residency, smart working, longevity-relatedpolicies, welfare systems for newly formed households, intergenerationalhousing and telemedicine;

87. Encourages the OSCE participating States to reconsider their supply of energy,spectrum-auction policies, sales of infrastructure and companies, purchases ofkey communications and safety technology, and debt management with the aimof protecting their independence, particularly, but not only from China, andachieving geopolitical stability and global security;

88. Urges the OSCE participating States to promote effective, sustainable andhuman-rights compliant migration governance, develop adequate legal pathwaysfor economic migration, ensure comprehensive border security and increaseinternational co-operation to address the socio-economic and environmentaldrivers of migration and displacement, including push factors such as poverty,weak rule of law and the lack of economic opportunities in the countries of origin;

89. Urges participating States to prioritize and ensure a proactive leadership role ineconomy-based development co-operation and to create competence-basedlong-term strategies with clear and measurable goals to enhance economic co-operation with neighbouring regions in order to foster security in the OSCEregion;

90. Calls upon parliaments to adopt new legislation with the aim of preventing humantrafficking in supply chains through import bans, reporting laws, disclosure lawsand due diligence laws, thereby leveraging the power of “demand” to break thebusiness model of trafficking and enabling enterprises to engage ethically in theglobal market;

91. Encourages parliaments to take action to discourage the demand fosteringtrafficking for sexual exploitation, including by strengthening prevention andcriminal justice frameworks to hold accountable those who use victims oftrafficking;

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