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77. Expressing concern about the increasingly frequent misuse of moderncommunication platforms to spread disinformation and propaganda, andmanipulate public opinion, while reiterating the importance of protecting freedomof speech, both offline and online,

78. Welcoming the Parliamentary Web Dialogues organized by the OSCE PA on 22April 2020 on “The Economic Security Fallout of the COVID-19 Pandemic”, on22 May 2020 on “COVID-19: A turning point for environmental protection?”, on25 May 2021 on “Framing the Environmental Security – Public Health Nexus”and on 4 February 2022 on “The Clean Energy Revolution and its Implicationsfor the OSCE Region” as excellent opportunities to share relevant parliamentaryexperience, interface with the scientific community and promote greater policyconvergence around several topical issues on the agenda of the GeneralCommittee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment,

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:

79. Reiterates its call on all OSCE participating States to redouble their efforts toidentify and pursue co-operative solutions to our common economic andenvironmental security challenges, including those related to economic recovery,connectivity, migration, trafficking in human beings, good governance, climatechange, environmental degradation, pollution, cybersecurity and disinformation;

80. Urges participating States to promote socio-economic development in the OSCEregion and beyond – in line with the Sustainable Development Goals – with theaim of fostering regional stability and prosperity, especially through the increasedrepresentation of women in positions of power, thereby strengthening democracyand promoting sustainable, peaceful and whole-of-society development;

81. Calls on the OSCE participating States to strengthen co-operation to achievesustainable economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic by, inter alia,accelerating the deployment of green technologies, enhancing economic growthand connectivity, and supporting human capital development includingprogressive reforms promoting gender equality and the economic and socialfreedom of women, considering and acting upon the adverse social andeconomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the backsliding in equality;

82. Urges all participating States to adopt a gender-inclusive approach to economicrecovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that recovery policiesincorporate an intersectional gender lens and take account of the views ofdiverse groups of stakeholders, including women’s organizations andmarginalized groups;

83. Urges governments, in the context of the military invasion of Ukraine, to considereffective and well-coordinated actions in the economic and environmentalspheres aimed at mitigating the impact of the conflict and restoring internationalpeace and security, which should bear minimal repercussions on the civilianpopulation;

84. Urges participating States to continue to intensify economic pressure on theRussian Federation in response to its unjustified and illegal war in Ukraine,

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