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30. Urges participating States to refrain from exploiting the vulnerabilities ofcyberspace, weaponizing the novel digital domain for cybercrimes, disruptingcritical infrastructure, and infringing human rights, and to continue the work onimplementing confidence-building measures across all OSCE participatingStates;

31. Calls on all participating States to leverage the potential of women and youngpeople in their equal engagement with security and peace efforts and their overallintegration in the decision-making process and institution-building, including localgovernment and international platforms;

32. Urges all participating States that have not already done so to develop andimplement national action plans on women, peace and security, as required byUN Security Council Resolution 1325, which constitutes a comprehensiveagenda for the full involvement of women in maintaining all peace and securityefforts;

33. Urges all participating States to be guided by UN Security Council Resolution2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, which emphasizes that youth constitute apriority in ensuring and promoting peace and security, and thus encourages allOSCE participating States to empower youth representatives and galvanize theirengagements with all stakeholders at the local, national and international levelsin line with this UN resolution;

34. Urgesparticipating States to reinvigorate the debate over the revitalization of theTreaty on Open Skies and the full implementation and revision of the ViennaDocument in line with new security challenges on the ground;

35. Encouragesall participating States to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition ofNuclear Weapons of 2017 in light of the deterioration of critical nuclear security,which could have dire consequences for the OSCE region and beyond;

36. Calls on participating States to put an end to any flagrant contraventions of OSCEcommitments, and instead to re-commit to and consistently uphold the HelsinkiPrinciples in full conformity with international law, which enables conditions forstabilization, peace and security in the OSCE region;

37. Encourages all political leaders in participating States to reinvigorate the debateover European security through the employment of the OSCE’s unique tools andmultilateral negotiation frameworks, particularly by bolstering dialogue withinternational partners and other stakeholders to avert crises and ensure peacefulsolutions to regional and protracted conflicts, while recalling that theinclusiveness, broad membership and principles of the OSCE provide the basisfor this.

22 DE JULHO DE 2022 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––