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We, Parliamentarians of the OSCE participating States, have met in annual session in Birmingham from 2 to 6 July 2022 as the Parliamentary dimension of the OSCE to assess developments and challenges relating to security and co-operation, and we offer the following views to the OSCE Ministers.

We wish every success to the next OSCE Ministerial Council and bring to its attention the following declaration and recommendations.



1. Alarmed by the unprovoked Russian war of aggression against Ukraine,facilitated by Belarus as co-aggressor, which constitutes a gross violation of thefundamentals of international law, including a severe breach of the OSCE’scommitments and principles, the Charter of the United Nations (UN), and theGeneva Conventions, and thus poses a great threat to the civilian population andinfrastructure of Ukraine and jeopardizes the security architecture of Europe andthe whole OSCE region,

2. Recalling the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's Resolution on Clear, Gross andUncorrected Violations of Helsinki Principles by the Russian Federation, adoptedat its 23rd Annual Session in 2014, and the Resolution on The Continuation ofClear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of OSCE Commitments andInternational Norms by the Russian Federation, adopted in 2015, whereby in theformer it is underscored that “the Russian Federation has, since February 2014,violated every one of the ten Helsinki principles in its relations with Ukraine, somein a clear, gross and thus far uncorrected manner, and is in violation with thecommitments it undertook in the Budapest Memorandum, as well as otherinternational obligations,” and welcomingthe adoption of the UN GeneralAssembly Resolution on Aggression against Ukraine and the order of theInternational Court of Justice on the Russian Federation to immediately suspendthe military operations that commenced on 24 February 2022,

3. Welcoming the fact that 45 OSCE participating States, supported by Ukraine,initiated the OSCE Moscow Mechanism in order to collect evidence of the allegedmassive atrocities and war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukrainecommitted by the Russian Federation with the help of Belarus as co-aggressor,

4. Acknowledging the value of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission’s rigorouswork, which delivered its mandate under a heightened level of volatility andsecurity uncertainties, and expressing regret over the lack of international unityand consensus over the mandate renewal for the OSCE Special MonitoringMission due to the Russian Federation’s uncompromising stance,

22 DE JULHO DE 2022 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––