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38. Recalling the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, in which participating States recognizedthat “efforts to develop co-operation in the fields of trade, industry, science andtechnology, the environment and other areas of economic activity contribute tothe reinforcement of peace and security in Europe and in the world as a whole,”

39. Categorically condemning the Russian Federation’s military invasion of Ukraine,and reiterating the disastrous humanitarian, socio-economic and environmentalconsequences of conflicts, including in terms of food and water security,

40. Applauding the OSCE Ministerial Council Decision No. 3/21 on StrengtheningCo-operation to Address the Challenges caused by Climate Change adopted atthe 28th OSCE Ministerial Council,

41. Welcoming the priorities of the Polish Chairmanship focused on promotingsustainable economic recovery, advancing women’s economic empowermentand addressing environmental risks, and reiterating the support of the OSCE PAfor the work of the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic andEnvironmental Activities in aiding participating States to implement economicand environmental commitments in the OSCE region,

42. Supporting the focus of the OSCE’s 30th Economic and Environmental Forumon “Promoting security and stability in the OSCE area through sustainableeconomic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic”, and welcoming the OSCE PAcontribution in this framework,

43. Stressing the unique role of national parliaments in adopting legislation,mobilizing resources, promoting public participation, and creating cross-regionalresponses to advance economic and environmental security, promotesustainable development and implement relevant international commitments inthe OSCE region,

44. Alarmed that the war in Ukraine has significantly weakened security, stability,connectivity and prosperity across the OSCE region, and condemning itsdevastating impact on the environment,

45. Concerned by the profound economic and social repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has severely affected the lives of millions of citizens acrossthe region, and cognizant that, to better mitigate the impact of the health crisison vulnerable communities and particularly exposed sectors, many OSCEparticipating States have enacted unprecedented fiscal, monetary and financialsupport measures which led, inter alia, to rising sovereign debt levels and higherinflation rates,

46. Confirming that, while international trade and relations have been strained by theprolonged health crisis and the war in Ukraine, economic connectivity remainskey to promoting stability and prosperity across the OSCE region,

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