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47. Condemning Russian use of food supplies as a weapon by blocking exports offood from Ukrainian Black Sea ports and disrupting farming in Ukraine,

48. Stressing that the international community should learn from the COVID-19pandemic to build resilience against and prevent future similar crises throughmore responsible, forward-looking and environmentally-friendly policies, therebybalancing our civilization’s development needs with citizens’ legitimate economicand environmental concerns,

49. Underlining the goal of promoting economic security through innovation, humancapital, good governance and interconnectivity, as well as maximizing the role ofthe digital economy as a driver for competitiveness and inclusive growth,

50. Taking note of demographic changes in the OSCE region that affect botheconomic prosperity and the future performance of social security systems,

51. Underlining the growing migratory pressure experienced by many participatingStates within the context of armed conflict, labour, development and climate, andacknowledging the significant surge in environmentally driven migration anddisplacement, to include an estimated 1.7 billion food-insecure people atadditional risk of hunger and famine as a direct result of the Russian Federation’swar of aggression against Ukraine,

52. Alarmed by the rise of human trafficking in a globalized economy, the growingmisuse of digital technologies to exploit other human beings and the use of forcedlabour that is increasingly prevalent in the production of goods and services,

53. Expressing concern over the persistent lack of transparency in the work of publicentities and widely perceived corruption in public offices that continue to hampercitizens’ trust in democratic institutions and processes,

54. Recalling the OSCE PA 2018 Berlin Declaration, which urged parliaments toadopt legislation to establish or further develop anti-corruption policies and topromote best practices to ensure a genuinely free and competitive market, aswell as enable sustainable and environmentally friendly economic growth,

55. Underlining the benefits of a clean environment for socio-economic development,including reduced public spending on medical treatment and the positive impacton work productivity, and reiterating the relevance of food and water securityacross the OSCE region, especially against the backdrop of climate change andconflict,

56. Inspired by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17Sustainable Development Goals that call for action to end poverty, protect theplanet and ensure peace and prosperity for current and future generations,

57. Fully realizing that comprehensive security is not attainable without addressingseveral interrelated environmental crises including climate change, biodiversityloss, unsustainable use of natural resources and pollution in all its forms,

58. Recalling the nexus between the environment and security recognized by theOSCE PA in the 1992 Budapest Declaration, as well as the notion of protecting

22 DE JULHO DE 2022 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––