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92. Calls on the OSCE participating States to establish specialized anti-traffickingunits, strengthen multi-agency co-operation and upgrade relevant policies –including by reflecting the increasingly predominant role that technology plays infacilitating human trafficking – to effectively fight traffickers and protect thevictims;

93. Encourages OSCE participating States to strengthen their statistical and datacollection mechanisms on victims of human trafficking, and to provide training toraise police and public prosecutor awareness of the special nature of humantrafficking;

94. Encourages parliaments to duly regulate issues such as conflicts of interest,transparency in party financing and lobbying practices, as well as to adopt andimplement advanced anti-corruption legislation – including sound ultimatebeneficial ownership laws – and oversee the independence of relevant anti-corruption authorities with the aim to ensure free, fair and competitive markets,as well as promote sustainable economic growth;

95. Urges participating States to take measures to strengthen their systems againstthe corrupt influence of Russian oligarchs and other transnational kleptocrats,including through regulation of the enablers of kleptocracy, which may includelawyers, accountants and other financial gatekeepers;

96. Urges governments to establish effective internal and external controls andaudits, thus enhancing transparency and accountability of public authorities, andto adopt and implement robust regulatory frameworks intended to mitigate risksrelating to money laundering and terrorist financing, in line with relevantinternational standards;

97. Calls on governments of the OSCE participating States to redouble coordinatedefforts in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmentand relevant OSCE commitments, duly reconciling global economic progresswith social justice and the preservation of the environment, and urges nationalparliaments to develop coherent and well-informed legislative proposals in thiscontext;

98. Prompts participating States to redirect efforts towards shaping a trulysustainable, carbon-neutral development model in which environmental,economic, social and public health factors are duly factored in, and to implementpolicies such as well-calibrated carbon taxes, effective emission trading systemsand subsidies for low-carbon industries and agriculture to leverage incentivestoward a more green and healthy economy;

99. Urges the OSCE participating States to increase their efforts in the protection ofthe environment, sustainable use of natural resources, and the conservation andrestoration of ecosystems and biodiversity and to integrate nature-basedsolutions into adaptation strategies that consider social, economic and culturalco-benefits for local communities;

100. Calls on national authorities to regularly monitor the status of the environmentand strengthen efforts aimed at identifying the main causes of environmental

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