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participating States to support international humanitarian organizations and authorities of Ukraine and neighbouring countries in their efforts to ensure unhindered evacuation, humanitarian assistance and overall safety for all internally displaced people and refugees;

23. Welcomes the re-invocation of the Moscow Mechanism by 45 OSCEparticipating States, gravely concerned about the continuing humanitarian andhuman rights impact of the Russian Federation’s war of aggression, andexpresses support for the work of the independent international commission ofinquiry mandated by the UN Human Rights Council and the ongoing proceedingsat the International Criminal Court, which is conducting an investigation intoalleged war crimes committed by any party to the conflict on any part of theterritory of Ukraine;

24. Demands the immediate release of all those in the Russian Federation andBelarus who are persecuted by the regimes in Moscow and in Minsk forprotesting against the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine,perpetrated with the complicit participation of Belarus, including prominentRussian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza, and encourages OSCEparticipating States to intensify their efforts to ensure that those responsible forthe murder of Boris Nemtsov are brought to justice;

25. Reiterates full support for the work of OSCE field missions, which play a key rolein providing fact-based and valuable intelligence necessary for all aspects of theOSCE’s comprehensive security dimensions, especially within the firstdimension, and thus calls forthe restoration of the mandate of the OSCE’sSpecial Monitoring Mission to Ukraine;

26. Encourages the intensification of results-oriented mediation efforts andnegotiations in the framework of the existing platforms for conflict resolution, andcalls on the parties to conflicts to immediately cease all hostilities and engage indialogue to achieve comprehensive and long-lasting peace in full respect for thesovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognizedborders of Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova;

27. Emphasizes the necessity of maintaining consistent dialogue and results-oriented engagement for the comprehensive, peaceful, and viable settlement ofthe Transdniestrian conflict in the “5+2” format based on the sovereignty andterritorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognizedborders, with a special status for Transdniestria that fully guarantees the human,political, economic and social rights of its population;

28. Calls on the Russian Federation to end its occupation of the Georgian territoriesof Abkhazia and Tskhinvali and engage constructively in the GenevaInternational Discussions;

29. Recommends the intensification of the involvement of the OSCE MediterraneanPartners for Co-operation (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia)in joint efforts aimed at co-operation and alleviating current threats in the region,including transnational threats, migration crises, human trafficking and financingof terrorism;

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