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5. Recalling the OSCE PA report “The Nemtsov Murder and Rule of Law in Russia”of 20 February 2020, and determined to ensure all those responsible for thismurder are brought to account,

6. Underlining its unwavering support and solidarity with all those in the RussianFederation and Belarus who are persecuted by the regimes in Moscow and inMinsk for protesting against the Russian Federation’s war of aggression againstUkraine, perpetrated with the complicit participation of Belarus,

7. Seriously concerned about the attempts to destabilize the situation in theTransdniestrian region of the Republic of Moldova,

8. Noting the final decision and declarations of the 28th Ministerial Council inStockholm, including the Statement on the negotiations on the Transdniestriansettlement process in the “5+2” format,

9. Underscoring the importance of security and stability and the relatedestablishment of good-neighbourly relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan,aimed at sustainable peace and development throughout the South Caucasus,and supporting the continued engagement of the OSCE in this context, whileencouraging the wider international community to support multilateral efforts inassisting the parties to that end by facilitating direct talks, and promotingconfidence-building measures and abstention from the use of force,

10. Expressing deep regretover the unresolved conflict between the RussianFederation and Georgia since 2008, and underscoring the necessity of fullimplementation by the Russian Federation of the EU-mediated 12 August 2008Ceasefire Agreement, as well as the decision by the European Court of HumanRights of January 2021,

11. Emphasizing the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has paved the wayfor cross-border threats, organized crime, the spread of radicalization and violentextremism, terrorism, the illicit trafficking of drugs and weapons, and a spill-overeffect on the security of the bordering Central Asia States,

12. Noting with concern the deteriorating situation in Belarus, in particular theviolation of international human rights obligations, attempts to instrumentalizeillegal migrants, mass repression and oppression of opposing voices, and theoverall lack of commitment to OSCE principles and values,

13. Acknowledging the undeniable repercussions of the emerging digital realm,which require prioritizing the cybersecurity agenda and protecting critical andcivilian infrastructure from cyber threats emanating against and across the OSCEregion,

14. Reiterating full support for the initiatives of the Polish Chair-in-Office, includingthe Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue and the prioritization of thehuman-centred security approach,

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