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The war in Ukraine may contribute to the dangerous divergence between advanced and emerging market and

developing economies. More broadly, it risks fragmenting the global economy into geopolitical blocs with distinct

technology standards, cross border payment systems, and reserve currencies. Such a shift represents the most

serious challenge to the rules-based system that has governed international and economic relations for the last

75 years, jeopardising the gains made over the past several decades.

The Portuguese economy is not among those most exposed to the critical situation caused by Russia’s war

against Ukraine. However, there are already adverse effects on Portuguese exports and national production. 83

% of Portuguese companies are already suffering the impact, with increased costs, difficulty accessing raw

materials, and the cancellation of orders being the main consequences.

The disposable income of households is declining, companies will struggle to source products (and may even

have to stop), trade between countries is limited and, above all, there is uncertainty. These are the four channels

of impact of the war being waged in Ukraine by Russia, intensified by the consequences of economic sanctions.

All over the country, the Portuguese have rolled up their sleeves to support Ukrainian refugees who arrive

hoping for a better future. From platforms that connect people to organisations that can help, to donations or the

collection of goods to send to Ukraine, to increasing numbers of initiatives.

As with the pandemic, the effects of the war are more destructive for those most vulnerable, in this case, for

households that spend a higher percentage of their income on essential expenditure.

Several measures have been taken in Portugal to mitigate all these effects, subsidies have been granted to

the most disadvantaged families, those who face a higher inflation rate from the outset, and measures are being

taken to reduce energy dependence.

But regardless of how many measures there are, nothing can erase the scourge and the atrocities that the

Ukrainians suffer on a daily basis due to this Russian aggression. A war that will go down in history as the worst

of our time.

I do not wish to end my speech without congratulating the PAM and my Moroccan colleagues for the excellent

initiative that took place last December, which was the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Economic Forum. It will

certainly be one more platform available to our countries and that may help to mitigate the effects of the terrible

events that Humanity has been witnessing in recent times.

Thank you for your attention.

Anexo 7 – Discurso do Deputado Pedro Roque (PSD) (francês)

(Só faz fé o texto proferido)

Mesdames et Messieurs,

Chers collègues,

Le drame des crises de sécurité en Ukraine ou dans le Méditerranée ne doit pas nous détourner de l'urgence

de répondre aux défis du changement climatique.

En effet, ces conséquences n'ont fait que nous montrer combien il est nécessaire d'accélérer la transition

énergétique et de diminuer la dépendance face aux énergies fossiles.

Lors de ma participation à la COP27, j'ai eu l'occasion de démontrer la préoccupation de notre Assemblée

face à l'urgence climatique, qui a des effets catastrophiques sur l'environnement.

La Méditerranée est un «hotspot du changement climatique», se réchauffant 20 % plus vite que la moyenne

mondiale, alors que les températures de surface de la mer ont atteint les records les plus élevés depuis deux


Ces écarts signifient que nous nous dirigeons actuellement vers un réchauffement planétaire de plus de

2,5 °C, un scénario qui verra la faim, les sans-abri, les maladies et les déplacements se multiplier à une échelle

presque insondable.

Sont les conséquences de notre propre inaction: la multiplication des phénomènes météorologiques

extrêmes, l’élévation du niveau des mers, l’acidification, la perte de biodiversité, les sécheresses prolongées et

la pénurie d'eau.

En outre, les conséquences de l'agression russe contre l'Ukraine ont mis à mal nos plans de transition
