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26.14. encourages the Council of Europe member and observer States and the European Union to recognise that the Russian Orthodox Church is in fact being used as an instrument of Russian influence and propaganda by the Kremlin regime and has nothing to do with the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

26.15. calls on the Council of Europe member and observer States and the European Union to strengthen the sanctioning mechanism against Aleksandr Lukashenka’s regime in Belarus, which has allowed the Russian Federation to use its territory for the offensive against Kyiv in 2022 and which continues to support the war of aggression against Ukraine.

27. The Assembly expresses its solidarity and commitment to pursue dialogue with Russian and Belarusiandemocratic forces which share the values of the Council of Europe and recognise the rules-basedinternational order, including the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. In this regard,the Assembly recalls its decision – set out in its Resolution 2530 (2023) “A democratic future for Belarus” – toset up a General Rapporteur for a Democratic Belarus and to allow a representative delegation of Belarusiandemocratic forces to take an active role in some of its work.

28. The Assembly states, to reinforce European Parliament Resolution of 29 February 2024 on the murderof Alexei Navalny and the need for EU action in support of political prisoners and oppressed civil society inRussia (2024/2579(RSP)), that decolonisation of the Russian Federation is a necessary condition for theestablishment of democracy in the Russian Federation.

29. Likewise, the Assembly welcomes the initiative, taken by the President of the Assembly and endorsedby the Bureau of the Assembly in October 2023 to set up a Contact platform for dialogue with Russiandemocratic forces and calls for setting up a General Rapporteur on the Russian democratic forces.

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