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Resolution 2541 (2024)1Provisional version

The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus

Parliamentary Assembly

1. The Parliamentary Assembly is appalled by the arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and thesystematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus.

2. In regard to the Russian Federation, the Assembly recalls that judgments of the European Court ofHuman Rights concerning events prior to February 2022 already demonstrated a severe repression of thefreedoms of speech, assembly, and association, and the right to liberty.

3. Beginning in March 2022, the Russian Federation rapidly adopted a series of draconian amendments tothe Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences, to silence criticism of its illegal, brutal, full-scalewar of aggression against Ukraine. These legislative amendments are not consistent with international humanrights standards and have effectively criminalised all forms of dissent against the war and against the actionsof the Russian military. These actions form a part of Vladimir Putin’s systemic war on democracy.

4. One of the first victims of this repression was historian, politician, and winner of the 2022 Václav HavelHuman Rights Prize, Vladimir Kara-Murza. Mr Kara-Murza was arrested and detained on 12 April 2022. Hewas subsequently charged with spreading “deliberate false information” about the actions of the Russianmilitary in Ukraine, “organising the activities of an undesirable organisation”, and high treason. On 17 April2023 Mr Kara-Murza was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

5. Mr Kara-Murza barely survived two previous poisoning attacks linked to the Russian authorities whichhave had lasting negative effects on his health. As a result of his pre-trial detention, Mr Kara-Murza’spolyneuropathy, caused by these poisoning attacks, has deteriorated significantly. For the last six months,Mr Kara-Murza has been held in complete isolation of solitary confinement in a cell, first in a strict-regimeprison colony and then in a Siberian “special-regime” prison colony, the harshest grade in the RussianFederation’s penitentiary system. Since September 2023 he has not been receiving medical treatment and hispolyneuropathy is slowly deteriorating.

6. There have been countless other examples of politically motivated prosecutions in the RussianFederation against individuals who speak out against the war. The most minor acts of peaceful speech orprotest can now incur hefty fines, detention, and lengthy prison sentences. There has been a significant rise inthe number of political prisoners, as defined by Resolution 1900 (2012). In Resolution 2446 (2022) theAssembly stated that there were 478 political prisoners in the Russian Federation. The human rightsorganisation OVD-Info reports that there are now over 1 000. The organisation reports that almost 20 000people have been detained for their anti-war stance in the Russian Federation and the occupied territory ofCrimea since February 2022.

1. Assembly debate on 17 April 2024 (11th sitting) (see Doc. 15967, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs andHuman Rights, rapporteur: Ms Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir). Text adopted by the Assembly on 17 April 2024(11th sitting).


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