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Resources)), hereinafter referred to as «IUCN» and governed by the following Statutes:

Article I Objects

1 — The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources shall have the following objects:

i) To encourage and facilitate co-operation between governments, national and international organizations and persons concerned with the conservation of nature and natural resources;

ii) To promote in all parts of the world national and international action in respect of the conservation of nature and natural resources;

Hi) To encourage scientific research related to the conservation of nature and natural resources and to disseminate information about such research;

iv) To promote education in and disseminate widely information on the conservation of nature and natural resources and in other ways to increase public awareness of the conservation of nature and natural resources;

v) To prepare draft international agreements relating to the conservation of nature and natural resources and to encourage governments to adhere to agreements once concluded;

vi) To assist governments to improve their legislation relating to the conservation of nature and natural resources; and

vii) To take any other action which will promote the conservation of nature and natural resources.

2 — In order to give effect to these objects IUCN shall undertake necessary and appropriate measures and, in particular, may:

i) Give support to governmental and nongovernmental activities;

ii) Form commissions, committees, working groups, task forces and the like;

i/i) Hold conferences and other meetings and publish the proceedings thereof;

iv) Co-operate with other bodies;

v) Collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate information;

vi) Prepare, publish and distribute documents, legislative texts, scientific studies and other information;

vii) Formulate and disseminate policy statements; and

viii) Make representations to governments and international agencies.

Article II Membership


1 — The members of UICN shall be: i) Category A:

a) States; and

b) Government agencies;

ii) Category B:

c) National non-governmental organizations; and

d) International non-governmental organizations;

iii) Category C:

e) Affiliates; and

f) Honorary members.

2 — State members shall be States which are members of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or parties to the Statutes of the International Court of Justice that have notified the director general of IUCN of their adherence to its Statutes.

3 — Government agency members may include organizations, institutions and when applicable, government departments, which form part of the machinery of government in a State (this term having the same meaning as in the preceding paragraph) whether at central level or, in the case of a federal State, at central or state level, admitted to this group.

4 — National non-governmental organizational members shall be institutions and associations organized within a State (this term having the same meaning as in paragraph 2 of this article), admitted to this group.

5 — International non-governmental organizational members shall be institutions and associations organized internationally, admitted to this group.

6 — Affiliate members shall be organizations, institutions and associations — whether organized within a State (this term having the same meaning as in paragraph 2 of this article) or internationally —, admitted to this group.

7 — The general assembly on the recommendation of the council may confer honorary membership on any individual who has rendered or is rendering outstanding service in the field of conservation of nature and natural resources.


8 — States become members by notifying the director general of their adherence to the Statutes.

9 — Admission of government agencies, national non-governmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations and affiliates shall require a decision by a two-thirds majority of the council. An application for admission to any such group of membership together with evidence as to the qualification of the applicant for admission to that group shall be mailed to the voting members of IUCN at least three months before it is considered by the council and, if any objection is made by a voting member in that period, the admission shall require ratification by the general assembly by a two-thirds majority of votes cast by each category of voting member. Objections shall be limited to the applicant's insufficient interest in conservation of nature and natural resources, or possible conflicts of interest, or its inappropriateness for the group of membership.

10 — Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a government agency of the central or federal government of a State so requests.

11 — Bodies may be admitted to membership only if their objects and activities have no conflict of interest with the objects of IUCN. Bodies may be ad-