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3 — The co-opted councillors shall be appointed by the elected members of the council as soon as practicable after the latter's election, with due regard to the need to maintain an appropriate balance of diverse qualifications, interests and skills on the council. In making such appointements the elected councillors shall ensure that there is at least one member of the council from the State in which IUCN has its seat.

4 — Nominations for the president of IUCN shall be made by the council after considering suggestions made by the members in category A and category B. Nominations may also be made by a petition subscribed to by one-fifth of the voting rights in either category, provided such petition is received at IUCN head quarters not less than ninety days prior to the opening of the general assembly.

5 — Nominations for the chairman of each commission shall be made by the council after considering suggestions made by the members in category A and category B and by the members of that commission. Not more than two chairmen of commissions shall be from any one State.

6 — The council shall appoint a deputy chairman for each commission. The deputy chairman of each commission shall act in the place of the chairman of that commission whenever that chairman is unable to attend a meeting of the council. The deputy chairman of each commission may also attend meetings of the council at which the chairman of that commission is present and on such occasions he shall be regarded as an observer without voting rights.

7 — The president of IUCN, regional councillors and chairmen of commissions shall be elected for a term extending from the close of the ordinary session of the general assembly at which they are elected until the close of the next succeeding ordinary session of the general assembly. The co-opted councillors shall be appointed for the remainder of the term for which the other councillors are elected.

8 — The president of IUCN and any regional councillor shall not hold office consecutively for more than two terms. An exception may be made in the case of the president of IUCN by decision of the general assembly on the recommendation of a two-thirds majority oh the council. An exception may also de made for a regional councillor who may continue in office for one more term only if co-opted in accordance with paragraphs 1, c), and 3 above. Except in such a case, any co-opted councillor may hold office consecutively for up to three terms.

9 — The council may fill any vacancies on the council that may occur for the balance of the term concerned, paying due regard to maintaining regional representation.

10 — The members of the council shall exercise their powers on behalf of IUCN and not as representatives of their respective States or organizations.

11 — Representatives of international organizations with which IUCN has formal working relations shall have the right to attend meetings of the council, except closed sessions as determined by the council, as observers without voting rights.

12 — The council shall, in respect of each triennium, appoint from amongst the regional councillors and co-opted councillors the following:

a) The vice-presidents of IUCN (not to exceed four in number);

b) The treasurer of IUCN;

c) The chairman of the bureau;

d) Up to five members of the bureau.

13 — In selecting the vice-presidents of IUCN from amongst its number the council shall pay due regard to geographical representation.

14 — In selecting the members of the bureau from amongst its number the council shall have in mind the need to include persons knowledgeable about finance, management and public awareness.


15 — The functions of the council shall be:

0 To make recommendations to the members of IUCN and the general assembly on any matter relating to the activities of IUCN;

it) Within the general policy of IUCN laid down by the general assembly, to give rulings on policy, to determine complementary policy guidelines, and to approve the programme of work of IUCN;

Hi) To receive and approve the report of the director general on the activities of IUCN during the previous year; together with an account of the recepts and expediture and a balance sheet as at the end of the year;

iv) To receive and approve the draft programme and budget for the following year, the programme to be framed within the limits of the budget;

v) To report to the members of IUCN on decision taken which materially affect the programme or the budget of IUCN;

vi) To establish such classes of supporters of IUCN for persons and organizations regularly contributing funds and other support for the work of IUCN, as may be considered desirable;

vii) To perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by the general assembly and these Statutes.


16 — The council shall meet at least once a year. The president may convene a meeting of the council whenever the president deems it necessary and shall do so if requested by one-third of the members of the council. If the president for any reason is incapable of convening a meeting of the council, the chairman of the bureau may do so in the president's stead.

17 — The president, or in the president's absence, one of the vice-presidents selected by those councillors present, or the chairman of the bureau, shall take the chair at meetings of the council.

18 — The rules of procedure of the council shall be as prescribed in the regulations of IUCN.