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19 — A decision concerning a matter which was not on the agenda of a meeting of the council may be taken unless five councillors attending the meeting are opposed or unless five councillors notify the director genera] of their opposition within one month of the date of mailing of the minutes.

20 — In exceptional circunstances the council may take mesures that by Statutes are prerogatives of the general assembly. In such cases, the voting members of IUCN shall be notified promptly by mail of the council's action. If in either category a majority of the voting members responding within sixty days signifies its disapproval, the council's action shall be suspended.


21 — Except where these Statutes require otherwise, decisions of the council shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast. Each member of the council shall be entitled to one vote, and in the case of an equality of votes, the president of IUCN, or in his absence the chairman of the meeting, may cast the deciding vote.


22 — If unable to attend a meeting of the council, a councillor may empower another councillor by written proxy speak and vote on his or her behalf, complying with the instructions contained in the mandate. A councillor may accept no more than one proxy.

Article VII The bureau


1 — The bureau shall be composed of:

a) The chairman of the bureau and up to five members appointed by the council;

b) The president, vice-presidents and treasurer of IUCN.

2 — If a member of the bureau is unable to perform the functions of the member's office because of ill health, or if the member dies or resigns the office, the council shall appoint a replacement from amongst its members to serve for the balance of the term concerned.


3 — The function of the bureau shall be to act on behalf of and under the authority of the council between meetings of the council.


4 — The bureau shall meet at least twice each year. The rules of procedure of the bureau shall be as prescribed in the regulations of IUCN.

5 — Decisions of the bureau shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. All decisions shall be mailed to council members within ten days of having been made. If five council members who are not members of the bureau advise the director general of their objection to the bureau decision within thirty days after the mailing of the decision, the decision shall be

submitted to the council at the next council meeting. The council shall either approve or disapprove the bureau decision. If five council members have not objected within the time provided, the bureau decision becomes effective at once.

Article VIII

The commissions

1 — The general assembly shall establish the commissions of IUCN and determine their objectives. The council may propose to the general assembly the creation, abolition, or subdivision of a commission, or amendment of a commission's objectives. The council may establish a temporary commission, pending a decision by the nest ordinary or extraordinary general assembly, provided that its objectives do not encroach on those of an existing commission.

2 — The members of each commission shall be appointed in the manner prescribed in the regulations of IUCN.

3 — Commissions may designate their own officers (other than chairmen and deputy chairmen) as provided in the regulations of IUCN.

4 — The organization and functions of the commissions shall be as prescribed in the regulations of IUCN.

5 — The chairman of each commission shall present a report at each ordinary session of the general assembly.

Article IX The director general and the secretariat

1 — a) The director general shall be the chief executive of IUCN.

b) The director general shall be responsible to the council and to the bureau acting on their behalf for the effective implementation of the policy of IUCN.

c) The director general shall be responsible for the finances and accounting of IUCN.

2 — The director general shall be appointed by the council for a period of not more than three years (which appointment may be renewed) ond such terms and conditions as may be determined by the council and set forth in a contract.

3 — The director general or his representative may be present without power to vote at the meetings of the general assembly, the council, the bureau, the commissions and any committees or groups of any of these organs and shall be entitled to speak.

4 — The director general shall appoint the staff of the secretariat in accordance with staff rules formulated by the director general and approved by the council. The staff shall be selected on as wide a geographical basis as possible, and there shall be no discrimination because of race, sex or creed.

5 — In the performance of their duties, the director general and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any authority external to IUCN. They shall refrain from any action incompatible with their position as staff members of an international organization. Each member of IUCN shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the director general and the staff, and not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.