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2 DE JULHO DE 1994


or being used by the Group, or in case one of those automobiles is involved in a traffic violation;

c) When a judicial sentence is carried out in accordance with articles xxn or xxm of this Agreement;

d) In the event of a mandate, resulting from a court order, for paymentof salaries or "other remunerations owed to an employee by the Group.

2 — Possessions of the Group may not be subjected to judicial or administrative measures such as requisition, expropriation or seizure, except when temporarily needed for the investigation of accidents where automobiles belonging to the Group or being used by it have been involved.

Article VUJ


The Group shall enjoy, throughout the Portuguese territory, for its official communications, treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the Government to any foreign government, including the latter's diplomatic mission, in the matter of priorities, tariffs, and postal taxes that are applicable to cables, telegrams, telephotos, telephone communications, and other communications.

Article LX Circulation of publications

The circulation of publications or of other information issued by the Group or sent to the Group, that are the result of official activities, shall not suffer any-;kind of restriction.

Article X Direct tax exemption

The possessions and revenues resulting from official activities of the Group are exempt from all direct taxations, namely from corporate income tax, conveyance tax, and local tax on real estate relative to the Group's installations, with the exception of the payments made for special services rendered.

Article. XI Indirect tax exemption

1 — The goods and services resulting from official ac-(ivities acquired by the Group .are exempt from the following indirect taxes: value added tax (VAT), automobile tax, taxes concerning petroleum products, and alcoholic beverages tax.

2 — Relating to VAT, the Group, on acquiring; new automobiles, goods, and services from the national market for their official activities, may be reimbursed if the value of each acquisition exceeds ESC. 20 000$.

3 — The acquisition of goods and services referred to in the previous paragraph, purchased in other member States of the European Community, are hot subject to the payment of VAT in Portugal.

4 — On purchasing in the national market new automo-' biles for official use, the Group is exempt from paying the automobile tax.

Article XU Importation exemption

.Whenever the Group needs to import or export acquired goods and services for official activities, they shall be exempt from importation and exportation duties, from VAT, from special taxes referred to in article xi or from any other duties, except those destined for payment of services, as foreseen in Community regulations.

Article XIII Alienation to third parties

The goods acquired in accordance with articles x and xi, or imported in accordance with article xii of this Agreement, shall not be donated, sold, rented or transacted before five years of the acquisition. If this period is not respected, the competent authorities will be notified and the respective taxes and import duties payed.

Article XTV Funds, foreign currency and assets

1 —Without being restricted by controls, regulations or moratoria of any kind:

The Group may hold funds, currency or movable valuables of any kind and operate accounts in any currency;

The Group may freely transfer its funds, currency or movable valuables from one country to another or within any country and convert any currency held by it into any other currency.

2 — The Group shall be exempt from paying stamp duties on banking operations.

Immunities and privileges of representatives, employees and experts

Article XV Representatives

1 — The representatives of the Group shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities while traveling and during the meetings which they attend in an official capacity:

a) Judicial immunity for acts rendered while in an ' official capacity, including written documents and


b) Inviolability of documents destined for official use by the Group;

c) Exemption, extended to spouses, from all restrictive measures for entry, including visa requirements and registration formalities, needed by immigration control;

d) The representatives of the Group shall enjoy the same treatment as is accorded to diplomatic representatives, unless they reside in Portugal;

' e) They shall receive the same customs privileges accorded to diplomatic representatives.