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between the two countries, in accordance with the applicable laws of the Parties.

2 — The Commission shall consist of an equal number of senior"governmental representatives appointed by each Party. A representative of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United States Departament of State shall serve as-the head of each Party's delegation.

3 — The Commission will meet semi-annually and mqre often as required. The semi-annual meetings will alternate betweeri"the capitals of die Parties. iJ

4 — The Commission will adopt its own procedures.

5 — The Commission shall receive and consider reports from the Bilateral Committees established by the Technical Agreement and Labor Agreement

6 — The Commission may invite individuals and governmental entities to participate in its deliberations with respect to such issues, and on such terms and conditions/as it specifies.

7 — The Comission may create subordinate bodies whenever it deems appropriate. The head of each delegation shall appoint its Party's representatives to the subgroup; these representatives need not be members of the Commission.

Article TV Facilities on Portuguese territory

1 — Without prejudice to its full sovereignty over its territory, territorial seas, and air space, the Government of Portugal grants to the Government of the United States of America, under the terms of the Technical Agreement on Lajes, which is an integral part of this Agreement," authorization for the use and maintenance of installations necessary for the conduct of military operations as well as for the transit of military aircraft of the Government of the United States of America through the Base of Lajes.

2 — The terms and conditions of employment of Portuguese nationals by the United States forces stationed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores shall be regulated by tihe Labor Agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

Article V Military cooperation

1 — The Parties recognize that close military cooperation will contribute to the reinforcement of their collective and individual capabilities, to the security and integrity of their respective territories and to international peace and stability.

2 — The Commission will identify areas in which operational cooperation programs may be established for the pursuit of these objectives.

3 — The Commission will evaluate regularly the possibilities of support by the United States to the Portuguese Armed Forces, taking into account the programs of operations cooperation established in accordance with the above paragraph.

4 — The support referred to in the preceding paragraph may be realized through the transfer of military equipment, through the establishment of programs of instruction and joint training, as well as through other modalities to be defined in the framework of me Commission.

Article VI

Cooperation with the Autonomous Region of the Azores

1 — The Parties recognize that strangthening their economic and social development, in particular that of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, contributes to the fulfillment of the objectives of this Agreement.

2 — To this end, the Commission will identify areas in which cooperative programs and activities to promote such development may be established and pursued.

3 — These programs and activities may encompass technical, scientific, educational, cultural, commercial and other fields and may employ a variety of forms of interchange to promote their objectives.

Article VTJ Other areas of cooperation

1 —The Commission may develop other cooperative programs to, strengthen relations between the Parties. Such programs shall emphasize but not be limited to:

' The rnodernization and strengthening of their respective industries and capabilities of research and development in the defense sector;

The strengthening of their scientific and technological capabilities through research in areas of mutual interest, as well as the diversification and expansion of relations between their scientific and technical communities; and

The strengthening of then bilateral economic and commercial relations.

2 — Any programs of cooperatin developed by the Commission shall take into account other relevant programs.

Article VIII Interpretation

Any questions concerning the execution and interpretation of the present Agreement may be referred to the Commission by either Party. The Commission will review and attempt to resolve such questions in a spirit of coopeeration and good faith.

Article EX Amendment

Either Party may request amendment of this Agreement. Any amendment agreed by the Parties shall enter into force upon notification by each Party of the conclusion of its required constitucional procedures.

Article X

Entry into force and term of validity

I —- This Agreement shall enter into force upon notification by each Party of me conclusion of its required constitutional procedures and shall remain in force for five years, after which it will continue in force for successive periods of one year, unless one Party notifies the other in writing twelfe months before the date on which the Agreement is to expire of its intention to terminate it.