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numai daca nici una dintre Parti nu va notifica celeilalte Parti, eu cel putin 6 luni inainte de expirarea perioadei de valabilitate, intentia sa de a-1 denunta.

In cazul denuntarii, Partile vor stabili contacte in scopul de a ajunge la cele mai bune solutti de rezolvare a problemelor.

Articolul 12 Textul se semnatura

Prezentul Acord intra in vigoare la data ultimei notifican potrivit procedurilor legale ale fiecarei Parti.

Incheiat la Bucuresti, la data de 10 iulie 1995, in doua exemplare originale in limbile portugheza, romana si engleza, toate textele fand egal autentice.

In cazul diferentelor de interpretare textul versiunii in limba engleza va prevala.

Ministrai Apararii Nationale al Portugaliei: António Jorge Figueiredo Lopes.

Ministrai Apararii Nationale al Romaniei: Gheorghe Tinca.


The Ministry of National Defence of Portugal and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania, henceforth called «Parties»:

Reaffirming their devotion to the aims and principles of the United Nations Charter;

Recalling that the aims and principles of the Paris Charter for a New Europe, as well as the signature of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe by the European countries provides a new dimension to their relations;

Taking into account the commitments undertaken by the Conference on Cooperation in Europe to promote a larger openness and transparency for their military activities;

Aiming at implementing with consistency in their bilateral relations the provisions of the Vienna Document on Negotiations concerning the measures to strengthen Confidence and Security, adopted in 1992;

Considering the spirit fo renewal shown by NATO with the NACC implementation and the developments through the Partenership for Peace;

Expressing their intention to promote the relations existing between them based on friendship and co-operation in the spirit of the Common Statement of the Defence Ministers of our countries, signed on 25th of November 1993 in Bucharest and also of the final conclusions resulted from the visit in Portugal of the Romanian Defence Minister, in June 1994;

they have agreed upon following:

Article 1 Purpose of the Agreement

The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the cooperation between the Parties in the defence and military fields within the limits of their competencies stipulated by their national legislation.

Article 2 Fields of co-operation

The co-operation between the two «Parties» will be accomplished in the following fields:

- Defence and security policy;

- Defence and military legislation;

- Arms control and disarmament;

- Planning and budgeting;

- Topo-geodesy and hydrographie services responsibilities;

- Military history, publications and museums;

- Air traffic control;

- Peacekeeping and humanitarian operations;

- Armed Forces organization, within the fields of personnel, administration and logistics;

- Environmental issues and pollution control.

The activities mentioned in this Agreement can be extended or limited by mutual understanding between the two Parties.

In order to implement the co-operation in the above mentioned fields, or others, specific agreements or additional protocols containing the details related to those matters might be concluded.

Article 3 Ways of implementing co-operation

The co-operation between the two Parties will be implemented in the following ways:

- Organization and performance of common activities within the Partnership for Peace;

- Official and working visits of delegations headed by top representatives of the two Parties;

- Exchanges of experience between the experts of the two Parties in various fields of activities;

- Participation with observers in military exercises;

- Exchange of technical, technological and industrial information and utilisation of the scientific, technical and industrial capacities of each one for the development, production and commercial exchanges of materials and defence equipment, committed to fulfil both Parties needs;

- Contacts between similar military institutions;

- Exchange of lecturers and attendance to courses, seminars and symposiums organized by the Parties;

- Visits of warships and military aircraft within the legal framework of both Parties;

- Exchange of cultural and sports activities.