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6 — Without prejudice to their constitutional and other legal provisions, the High Contracting Parties undertake to cooperate and transfer technology to facilitóte the implementation of the relevant prohibitions

and restrictions set out in this Protocol.

7 — Each High Contracting Party has the right to seek and receive technical assistance, where appropriate, from another High Contracting Party on specific relevant technology, other than weapons technology, as necessary and feasible, with a view to reducing any period of deferral for which provision is made in the technical annex.

Article 12

Protection from the effects of minefields, mined areas, mines, booby-traps and other devices

1 — Application:

a) With the exception of the forces and missions referred to in subparagraph 2, a), i), of this article, this article applies only to missions which are performing functions in an area with the consent of the High Contracting Party on whose territory the functions are perfomed.

b) The application of the provisions of this article to parties to a conflict which are not High Contracting Parties shall not change their legal status or the legal status of a disputed territory, either explicitly or implicitly.

c) The provisions of this article are without prejudice to existing international humanitarian law, or other international instruments as applicable, or decisions by the Security Council of the United Nations, which provide for a higher level of protection to personnel functioning in accordance with this article.

2 — Peace-keeping and certain other forces and


a) This paragraph applies to:

t) Any United Nations force or mission performing peace-keeping, observation or similar functions in any area in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations; and

ii) Any mission established pursuant to chapter vm of the Charter of the United Nations and performing its functions in the area of a conflict.

b) Each High Contracting Party or party to a conflict, if so requested by the head of a force or mission to which this paragraph applies, shall:

/') So far as it is able, take such measures as are necessary to protect the force or mission from the effects of mines, booby-traps and other devices in any area under its control;

ii) If necessary in order effectively to protect such personnel, remove or render harmless, so far as it is able, all mines, booby-traps and other devices in that area; and Hi) Inform the head of the force or mission of the location of all known minefields, mined areas, mines, booby-traps and other devices in the area in which the force or mission is performing its functions and, so far as is feasible, make available to the head of the force or mission all information in its possession concerning such minefields, mined areas, mines, booby-traps and other devices.

3 — Humanitarian and fact-finding missions of the United Nations System:

a) This paragraph applies to any humanitarian or factfinding mission of the United Nations System;

b) Each High Contracting Party or party to a conflict, if so requested by the head of a mission to which this paragraph applies, shall:

i) Provide the personnel of the mission with the protections set out in subparagraph, 2, b), i), of this article; and

ii) If acess to or through any place under its control is necessary for the performance of the mission's functions and in order to provide the personnel of the mission with safe passage to or through that place:

saa) Unless on-going hostilities prevent, inform the head of the mission of a safe route to that place if such information is available; or

bb) If information identifying a safe route is not provided in accordance with subparagraph ad), so far as is necessary and feasible, clear a lane through minefields.

4 — Missions of the International Committee of the Red Cross:

a) This paragraph applies to any mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross performing functions with the consent of the host State or States as provided for by the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and, where applicable, their Additional Protocols.

b) Each High Contracting Party or party to a conflict, if so requested by the head of a mission to which this paragraph applies, shall:

i) Provide the personnel of the mission with the protections set out in subparagrap 2, b), i), of this article; and

ii) Take the measures set out in subparagraph 3, b), ii), of this article.

5 — Other humanitarian missions and missions of enquiry:

a) Insofar as paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article do not apply to them, this paragraph applies to the following missions when they are performing functions in the area of a conflict or to assist the victims of a conflict:

i) Any humanitarian mission of a national Red Cross or Red Crescent society or of their International Federation;

ii) Any mission of an impartial humanitarian organization, including any impartial humanitarian demining mission; and

w) Any mission of enquiry established pursuant to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and, where applicable, their Additional Protocols.

b) Each High Contracting Party or party to a conflict, if so requested by the head of a mission to which this paragraph applies, shall, so far as is feasible:

/) Provide the personnel of the mission with the protections set out in subparagraph 2, b), i), of this article; and