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ii) Take the measures set out in subparagraph 3, b), ii), of this article.

6 — Confidentiality. — All information provided in confidence pursuant to this article shall be treated by the recipient in strict confidence and shall not be released outside the force or mission concerned without the express authorization of the provider of the information.

1 — Respect for laws and regulations. — Whith out prejudice to such privileges and immunities as they may enjoy or to the requirements of their duties, personnel participating in the forces and missions referred to in this article shall:

a) Respect the laws and regulations of the host State; and

b) Refrain from any action or activity incompatible with the impartial and international nature of their duties.

Article 13 Consultations of High Contracting Parties

1 — The High Contracting Parties undertake to consult and cooperate with each other on all issues related to the operation of this Protocol. For this purpose, a conference of High Contracting Parties shall be held annually.

2 — Participation in the annual conferences shall be determined by their agreed Rules of Procedure.

3 — The work of the conference shall include:

a) Review of the operation and status of this Protocol;

b) Consideration of matters arising from reports by High Contracting Parties according to paragraph 4 of this article;

c) Preparation for review conferences; and

d) Consideration of the development of technologies to protect civilians against indiscriminate effects of mines.

4 — The High Contracting Parties shall provide annual reports to the Depositary, who shall circulate them to all High Contracting Parties in advance of the conference, on any of the'following matters:

a) Dissemination of information on this Protocol to their armed forces and to the civilian population;

b) Mine clearance and rehabilitation programmes;

c) Steps taken to meet technical requirements of this Protocol and any other relevant information pertaining thereto;

d) Legislation related to this Protocol;

e) Measures taken on international technical information exchange, on international cooperation on mine clearance, and on technical cooperation and assistance; and

f) Other relevant matters.

5 — The cost of the Conference of High Contracting Parties shall be borne by the High Contracting Parties and States not parties participating in the work of the conference, in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.

Article 14 Compliance

1 — Each High Contracting Party shall take all appropriate steps, including legislative and other measures, to prevent and suppress violations of this Protocol by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control,

2 — The measures envisaged in paragraph 1 of this article include appropriate measures to ensure the imposition of penal sanctions against persons who, in relation to an armed conflict and contrary to the provisions of this Protocol, wilfully kill or cause serious injury to civilians and to bring such persons to justice.

3 — Each High Contracting Party shall also require that its armed forces issue relevant military instructions and operating procedures and that armed forces personnel receive training commensurate with their duties and responsibilities to comply with the provisions of this Protocol.

4 — The High Contracting Parties undertake to consult each other and to cooperate with each other bilaterally, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations or through other appropriate international procedures, to resolve any problems that may arise with regard to the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Protocol.


a) Recording of the location of mines other than remotely-delivered mines, minefields, mined areas, booby-traps and other devices shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions:

i) The location of the minefields, mined areas and areas of booby-traps and other devices shall be specified accurately by relation to the coordinates of at least two reference points and the estimated dimensions of the area containing these weapons in relation to those reference points;

ii) Maps, diagrams or other records shall be made in such a way as to indicate the location of minefields, mined areas, booby-traps and other devices in relation to reference points, and these records shall also indicate their perimeters and extent; and

Hi) For purposes of detection and clearance of mines, booby-traps and other devices, maps, diagrams or other records shall contain complete information on the type, number, emplacing method, type of fuse and life time, date and time of laying, anti-handling devices (if any) and other relevant information on all these weapons laid. Whenever feasible the minefield record shall show thé exact location of every mine, except in row minefields where the row location is sufficient. The precise location and operating mechanism of each booby-trap laid shall be individually recorded.

b) The estimated location and area of remotely-delivered mines shall be specified by coordinates of reference points (normally corner points) and shall be ascer-