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2 — Any Party which has made a reservation under the preceding paragraph may wholly or partly withdraw it by means of a notification addressed to one of the depositories. The withdrawal shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notification by the depository.

3 — A Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of this Convention may not claim the application of that provision by any other Party; it may, however, if its reservation is partial or conditional, claim the application of that provision in so far as it has itself accepted it.

Article XI.8

1 — Draft amendments to this Convention may be adopted by the Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region by a two-thirds majority of the Parties. Any draft amendment so adopted shall be incorporated into a Protocol to this Convention. The Protocol shall specify the modalities for its entry into force which, in any event, shall require the expression of consent by the Parties to be bound by it.

2 — No amendment may be made to section m of this Convention under the procedure of paragraph 1 above. . , .

3 — Any proposal for amendments shall be communicated to one of the depositaries, who shall transmit it to the Parties at least three months before the meeting of the Committee. The depository shall also inform the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the Executive Board of UNESCO.

Article XI.9

1 — The Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization shall be the depositories of this Convention.

2 — The depository with whom an act, notification or communication has been deposited shall notify the Parties to this Convention, as well as the other member States of the Council of Europe and/or of the UNESCO Europe Region of: -

a) Any signature;

b) The deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;

c) Any date of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with the provisions of articles xi.2 and,xi.3, 4;

d) Any reservation made in pursuance of the provisions of article xi.7 and the withdrawal of zv\y reservations made in pursuance of the provisions of article xi.7;

e) Any denunciation of this Convention in pursuance of article xi.6;

f) Any declarations made in accordance with the provisions of article n.l, or of article n.2;

g) Any declarations made in accordance with the provisions of article iv.5;

h) Any request for accession made in accordance with the provisions of article xi.3;

i) Any proposal made in accordance with the provisions of article xi.8;

j) Any other act, notification or communication relating to this Convention.

3 — The depository receiving a communication or making a notification in pursuance of the provisions of

this Convention shall immediately inform the other depository thereof.

In witness thereof the undersigned representatives, being duly authorized, have signed this Convention.

Done at Lisbon on 11 April 1997, in the English, French, Russian (*) and Spanish (*) languages, the four

texts being equally authoritative, in two copies, one of

which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe and the other in the archives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. A certified copy shall be sent to all the States referred to in article xi.l, to the Holy See and to the European Community and to the Secretariat of the United Nations.

(*) The texts in the Russian and Spanish languages are available in the archives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


As Partes na presente Convenção:

Conscientes de que o direito à educação é um direito do homem e que o ensino superior desempenha um papel importante na aquisição e no progresso do conhecimento, e que constitui uma excepcional riqueza cultural e científica tanto para os indivíduos como para a sociedade;

Considerando que o ensino superior deve desempenhar um papel fundamental na promoção da paz, da compreensão mútua e da tolerância, contribuindo para a criação da confiança entre os povos e as nações;

Considerando que a grande diversidade de sistemas de ensino existentes na região Europa reflecte as suas diversidades culturais, sociais, políticas, filosóficas, religiosas e económicas e representa uma riqueza excepcional que convém salvaguardar;

Desejosas de permitir a todos os habitantes da região beneficiarem plenamente da riqueza que representa essa diversidade, facilitando o acesso aos habitantes de cada Estado e aos estudantes das instituições de ensino de cada Parte aos recursos educacionais de outras Partes, e, particularmente, permitindo-lhes prosseguir a sua formação ou efectuar um período de estudos nas instituições de ensino superior dessas outras Partes;

Considerando que o reconhecimento de estudos, certificados, diplomas e títulos obtidos noutro Estado da região Europa constitui uma medida importante para promover a mobilidade académica entre as Partes;

Salientando a grande importância do princípio da autonomia das instituições e conscientes da necessidade de salvaguardar é de proteger esse princípio;

Convencidas de que um reconhecimento equitativo das qualificações representa um elemento chave do direito à educação e uma responsabilidade da sociedade;

Tendo em consideração as convenções do Conselho da Europa e da UNESCO relativas ao reconhecimento académico na Europa: