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48 | II Série A - Número: 084S1 | 26 de Maio de 2007

decided every three years by the Council, following criteria established by it.
3. When a State is admitted as a Member to the Laboratory, besides the annual contribution, it shall pay an admition fee for the amortization of the initial expenses made by the States for the setting of the Laboratory. 4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 above shall not apply: a) Where the Council, in respect of any programme of activities, defines a percentage as the maximum proportion of the total amount of contributions assessed by the Council which any Member State may be required to pay to meet the annual cost of that programme; b) Where the Council decides to take into account any special circumstances of a Member State and adjust in the meanwhile its contribution accordingly.
5. During the initial period of the financial year, the approved budget expenditure shall be met by contributions from Member States.
6. Where a State, whether on becoming a member of the Laboratory or at a later stage, first participates in a programme of activities, then the contributions of the other Member States concerned shall be reassessed and the new scale shall take effect as from the beginning of that financial year. 7. Reimbursements shall be made, if necessary, to ensure that the contributions made by all Member States for that year have been paid in accordance with the new scale.
8. The Finance Committee shall, following consultation with the Director-General, determine the terms on which payments in respect of contributions shall be made consistently with the proper financing of the Laboratory.
9. The Director-General shall thereafter notify Member States of the amount of their contributions and of the dates on which payments shall be made.
10. Resources other than Member States contributions shall be managed in accordance with rules to be defined by the Finance Committee.