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21 | II Série A - Número: 059S1 | 31 de Janeiro de 2014

a) Obtained for the purposes specified in this Agreement and shall not be further processed in any way incompatible with those purposes in a subsequent moment; b) Adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected, transferred and then processed; c) Accurate and, if necessary, updated; and should be taken all reasonable measures to ensure that inaccurate or incomplete data, having regard to the purposes for which they were been collected or for which they are subsequently processed, are erased or corrected; d) Kept in a form that allows the identification of the related persons only when necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or for which they are subsequently processed; been erased after that period.

2 – If a person whose data are transferred requests access to them, the requested Party shall grant that person with direct access to those data and shall proceed to its correction, except when this request may be refused under the terms of the applicable international and domestic laws. Article 10 Language

1 – The request and the supporting documents, as well other communications made in accordance to the present Agreement should be made in the language of the requesting Party accompanied by a translation into the language of the requested Party.
2 – However, the Parties may agree to use only its own language or, whenever that it is not possible, to use only a translation into English for such communications.

Article 11 Costs

1 – The requested Party shall bear the expenses of executing a request in its territory, except for the expenses related to travel and accommodations of the representatives of the requesting Party.
2 – Expenses of extraordinary nature may be subject to a special agreement between the Parties.
3 – Representatives of the competent authorities of the requesting Party shall not travel without prior consent of the requested Party.

Article 12 Consultations

Regular consultations with the aim to review the level of application of the present Agreement shall be promoted by the competent authorities of the Parties. Article13 Relation to other international conventions

This Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights and obligations between the Parties pursuant to other international conventions to which both States are Parties.

Article 14 Entry into force

The present Agreement shall enter into force three months after the date of receipt of the later of the notifications in writing through diplomatic channels, conveying the completion of the internal procedures of each Party required for that purpose.

Article 15 Settlement of disputes

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiation through diplomatic channels.