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62 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 29 de Abril de 2014

Protocol by a decision of the North Atlantic Council.

(2) Those who are nationals of and employed by a Party to the Further Additional Protocol, or to the PfP SOFA and attached to an Allied Headquarters by the employing Party. d. Personnel, both military and civilian, from nations participating in NATO Partnership and Cooperation Programmes and who are attached to an Allied Headquarters but whose Nations are not Parties to the Agreement, the Protocol, or the PfP SOFA.

14. “Dependent”, shall, in addition to the persons defined in the Protocol, Article 3, paragraph 1 (c); the Agreement, Article I, paragraph 1 (c); and those persons granted the same status by the PfP SOFA; include any person that the sending State or an Allied Headquarters indicates as a dependent of a member as defined in paragraph 13, subject to the Portuguese public order.
15. “Additional Activities” shall for the purposes of this Supplementary Agreement mean subordinate entities, and NATO and non-NATO detachments, including temporary headquarters or units, national or international support units and military national representatives and liaison offices, NATO civil agencies together with liaison teams and officers.

Article 2 General provisions

1. The Parties shall facilitate the execution of the Agreement, the Protocol, the PfP SOFA, and this Supplementary Agreement and shall endeavour to cooperate in the most efficient manner to effectively implement the said agreements.
2. The purpose of this Supplementary Agreement is to facilitate the operation of Allied Headquarters and to preserve the integrity and independence of such Headquarters and their members. Entitlements afforded to individuals are granted by the Portuguese Republic in the interests of NATO and in support of an Allied Headquarters and not for the personal benefit of such individuals. The Supreme Headquarters and Allied Headquarters remain the custodians of the entitlements.
3. This Supplementary Agreement is intended to ensure compliance with decisions passed by the North Atlantic Council, as well as NATO regulations and policies. In accordance herewith, it is understood that the official activities comprise both those conducted in execution of the mission and tasks of that Allied Headquarters, and those activities conducted under the provisions of non-appropriated funds of the Allied Headquarters.
4. Irrespective of the nature of the activities, it is understood that the Portuguese Republic shall not derive revenue from the activities or property of an Allied Headquarters.
5. An Allied Headquarters shall be permitted to have its own flag and to display this flag along with the flags of NATO, NATO and Partner Nations, Nations participating in NATO Partnership and Cooperation Programmes, and flags of any other organization, in accordance with regulations in force for that Headquarters.
An Allied Headquarters may equally, and subject only to NATO regulations, design its own crest and official seal. Such insignias of the Headquarters shall be duly protected under the laws of the Portuguese Republic, and the official stamp shall, on request of an Allied Headquarters, be recognised through the appropriate authorities of the Portuguese Republic and be communicated to the relevant governmental departments and agencies.
6. Unless such Allied Headquarters have been afforded international financing in accordance with C-M (69)22, the procedures agreed in Article 3, Article 4, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3 and paragraph 5, and the guarantee provided in Article 16, paragraph 1, shall not extend to such Allied Headquarters which are established through bi- or multilateral arrangements amongst NATO and/or Partner Nations; the funding, administration and location of such Allied Headquarters may be subject to separate arrangements concluded by the Nations participating in such arrangements. Additionally, Article 9 paragraph 1, paragraph 2 and paragraph 5 shall only apply to such Allied Headquarters assigned with a Peacetime Establishment authorised by the North Atlantic Council.