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61 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 29 de Abril de 2014

Article 1 Definitions

In this Agreement (hereinafter referred as the “Supplementary Agreement”), the term:

1. “Agreement” means the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces, signed in London on 19 June 1951.
2. “Protocol” means the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Paris on 28 August 1952.
3. “PfP SOFA” means the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of Their Forces, signed in Brussels on 19 June 1995, including the Additional Protocol to this Agreement, dated 19 June 1995, the Further Additional Protocol, dated 19 December 1997, and any further Protocols thereto which enter into force in the territory of the Portuguese Republic; 4. “SHAPE” means the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
5. “SACEUR” means Supreme Allied Commander Europe.
6. “HQ SACT” means Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.
7. “SACT” means Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.
8. “Supreme Headquarters” means SHAPE or HQ SACT, as appropriate and as defined by the Protocol, Article 1, as well as any future Supreme Headquarters or successor organizations.
9. “Allied Headquarters” shall for the purpose of this Supplementary Agreement and in addition to the Protocol, Article 1, include any NATO military body which, pursuant to a decision by the North Atlantic Council and as anticipated in decision adopted by the North Atlantic Council 19 May 1969 on “Procedures for the activation and reorganization in peacetime of NATO military bodies and rules for granting them international status and international financing” (C-M (69)22), is granted status under the Protocol in accordance with the Protocol, Article 14.
10. “NATO partnership and cooperation programmes” means all NATO partnership and cooperation initiatives, whether based on a geographical or functional relationship, approved by the North Atlantic Council.
11. “International governmental, non-governmental organizations and international tribunals” means those organizations that participate in NATO activities under the auspices of or in support of an Allied Headquarters located on or otherwise operating in or from Portuguese territory, when approved by the North Atlantic Council and duly so reported by the concerned Allied Headquarters to the Portuguese Republic.
12. “Head of an Allied Headquarters” means the senior responsible officer, military or civilian, who at any given time is appointed or designated to represent an Allied Headquarters.
13. “Members” means:

a. Members of the “Force” as defined in the Protocol, Article 3, paragraph 1 (a).
b. Personnel defined in the Agreement, Article I, paragraph 1 (a), and as also applied to personnel covered by the PfP SOFA or the Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA, and attached to an Allied Headquarters, as well as to any other military personnel granted status under the Protocol by a decision of the North Atlantic Council.
c. Members of the “Civilian component”, in addition to the persons defined in the Protocol, Article 3, paragraph 1 (b), and those persons covered by the Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA, shall include:

(1) Those who are nationals of one of the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, attached to an Allied Headquarters, and either:

i. Employed by one of the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, or ii. Belonging to the categories of civilian personnel decided by the North Atlantic Council and in the employ of an Allied Headquarters (NATO International Civilians).
iii. Belonging to the categories of personnel above (employed by one of the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty or holding employment as NATO International Civilians) and otherwise granted status under the