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63 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 29 de Abril de 2014

7. Additional Activities attached to Allied Headquarters, and supporting an Allied Headquarters, and their personnel as well as their dependents shall, without prejudice to the status granted under the Agreement or the application of other agreements concluded pursuant to the Agreement or otherwise, enjoy the same status as granted to an Allied Headquarters and its members and their dependents in this Supplementary Agreement, Articles 5, 6, 10, 12, and Article 14 through Article 32, without prejudice to the status of an Allied Headquarters.

Article 3 Location and change of permanent location of an Allied Headquarters

1. The peacetime location of Allied Headquarters on Portuguese territory shall be established through arrangements between the respective Supreme Headquarters and the Portuguese Republic. Any change of a permanent location of an Allied Headquarters in the Portuguese Republic in time of peace shall be subject to negotiations between the Portuguese Republic and the respective Supreme Headquarters. 2. The Portuguese Republic shall indemnify the Allied Headquarters for costs payable to civilian personnel specified in Article 13, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this Supplementary Agreement to which such personnel is entitled under applicable NATO and Portuguese regulations, respectively, due to loss of job or relocation as a result of unilateral decisions by the Portuguese Republic leading to the closure, reduction, or relocation of any Allied Headquarters set up pursuant the present Supplementary Agreement. 3. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as preventing or requiring the appropriate authority within NATO to decide on funding of the costs of moving an Allied Headquarters, and any direct costs associated herewith.

Article 4 Installations

1. Subsequent to the Agreement, Article IX, paragraph 3, and the Protocol, Article 8, and acting on a request from a Supreme Headquarters, the Portuguese Republic shall take all necessary measures to provide all land, buildings and fixed installations required for use by an Allied Headquarters. The Portuguese Republic shall make such agreed assets available to an Allied Headquarters without charge and free of fees, taxes or licences, as envisaged in Article 17 below; however and without prejudice to the participation in the common funding of the NATO Security and Investment Programme and the NATO Military Budget, this does not raise an obligation on the part of the Portuguese Republic to incur any expenses in regard to acquiring, building, adapting or modifying buildings or fixed installations. The details shall be set out in a separate arrangement specific to the particular Allied Headquarters.
2. Notwithstanding the above, an Allied Headquarters shall have the right to contract independently for land, buildings, installations and services, subject only to approval by the Portuguese Republic of the site and on terms not less favourable than those enjoyed by Portuguese Armed Forces. At the request of an Allied Headquarters, the Portuguese Republic shall provide such assistance as may be necessary for the exercise of this right.
3. With regard to the use of land, buildings, and installations, the Portuguese Republic shall designate a national authority to act as the executive agent responsible for holding authorisations required by the Portuguese Republic law, in which case an Allied Headquarters shall assist in obtaining authorisations by expeditiously providing, on request, all appropriate information, documentation and technical studies. There shall be no charge to an Allied Headquarters for such authorisations.
4. Without further notice or licences, an Allied Headquarters may, either directly or by concessionaire, operate canteens, messes and cafeterias and shall equally be authorised to grant, within its premises (hereinafter to include camps, facilities, and establishments), concessions relating to the establishment of service functions such as, but not limited to, barber and beauty shops, laundry and dry cleaning, banking and travel facilities. Conversely, the concessionaires shall comply with the Portuguese Republic regulations on licences and permits.
5. Assets acquired from international funds and assets (to include land, buildings, and fixed installations) provided for the use of an Allied Headquarters by the Portuguese Republic without charge (other than nominal