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Striving to participate in the building of democracy, peace and unity by the use of mechanisms of co-operation

on the whole European continent;

Wishing to develop and intensify their bilateral co-operation in defence matters;

And willing to strengthen the cooperation already initiated with the Memorandum of Understanding between

the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia and the Ministry of National Defence of the Portuguese

Republic on Co-operation in Defence Matters, signed in Brussels in May 19, 2003:

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1


The purpose of the present Agreement is to provide a framework for co-operation between the Parties on

defence matters.

Article 2

Areas of co-operation

1 — The co-operation between the Parties shall be developed in the following areas:

a) Defence and security policy;

b) Defence and military legislation;

c) Arms control and disarmament;

d) Planning and budgeting;

e) Logistics and procurement;

f) Civil-military cooperation;

g) Defence industries and military equipment;

h) Education, training and exercises;

i) Cyber security, cyber defence, crisis management in cyberspace and related fields;

j) Peacekeeping and peace enforcement;

k) Crises management;

l) Environmental issues within military facilities;

m) Military history, publications and museums;

n) Social, sports and cultural activities;

o) Other mutual interest areas that will be agreed by written consent of the Parties.

2 — In order to fulfil the provisions of the present Agreement and to implement the co -operation in the areas

mentioned above, the Parties may conclude specific instruments.

Article 3

Forms of co-operation

The co-operation between the Parties shall be implemented in the following forms:

a) Official and working visits of delegations headed by representatives of the Parties;

b) Exchange of experience between experts of the Parties in defence areas;

c) Exchange of observers to military exercises;

d) Exchange of technical, technological and industrial information and use of their capacities in areas of mutual

interest, according to the national regulations of the Parties;

e) Meetings of representatives of military institutions;

f) Exchange of lecturers and attendance to courses, seminars and symposia organized by the Parties;