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30 DE JULHO DE 2019


g) Joint participation in multilateral initiatives under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), within the

European Union (EU) and with third countries or other international organizations.

Article 4

Competent authorities

For coordination of the implementation of the present Agreement the Parties designate, as competent

authorities, their respective Defence Policy organisations within the Ministries of Defence.

Article 5

Financial aspects

Each Party will cover its own costs deriving from the bilateral co-operation activities executed under the

present Agreement unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in written form.

Article 6

Security of classified information

The protection of Classified Information to be exchanged between the Parties shall be in com-pliance with the

terms of the Agreement on the Protection of Classified Information between the Republic of Estonia and the

Portuguese Republic, signed on November 29, 2005.

Article 7

Relations with other international conventions

The present Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from international

conventions to which they are Parties and shall not be used against Third States.

Article 8

Settlement of disputes

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement shall be settled through

negotiation, through the diplomatic channels.

Article 9


1 — The present Agreement may be amended by request of one of the Parties.

2 — The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the terms specified in article 11 of the present


Article 10

Duration and termination

1 — The present Agreement shall remain in force for an unlimited period of time.

2 — Either Party may, at any time, denounce the present Agreement upon a prior notification in writing through

diplomatic channels.

3 — The present Agreement shall terminate six months after the receipt of such notification.