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10 DE MAIO DE 2021


Article 6

Facilities regarding Communications

The EPLO Regional Branch in Portugal shall enjoy in the territory of the Portuguese Republic, for its official

Communications and correspondence, treatment no less favourable than that accorded by the Portuguese

Republic to any diplomatic mission regarding priorities, rates and taxes applicable to mail and to the various

forms of communication and correspondence.

Article 7

Circulation of publications

The circulation of publications and other information issued by the EPLO Regional Branch in Portugal or

relating to its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.

Article 8

Direct tax exemptions

The property and income resulting from the official activities of the EPLO Regional Branch in Portugal shall

be exempt from all direct taxes, including corporate income tax, capital tax and capital gains tax, conveyance tax,

road tax (Imposto Único de Circulação, IUC) and local tax on real estate.

Article 9

Indirect tax exemptions

The Portuguese Republic will account, whenever possible, adequate administrative provisions to exempt and

reimburse the value of procurements that include indirect taxes and sales taxes within the price of movable and

immovable property, acquired for the official activities by the EPLO Regional Branch in Portugal.

Article 10

Import and export exemptions

The EPLO Regional Branch in Portugal shall be exempt from import and export duties and from any taxes,

prohibitions and restrictions on goods of whatsoever nature imported or exported by it, as the result of its official


Article 11

Alienation to third parties

1. The goods acquired in accordance with articles 8 and 9 or imported in accordance with article 10 of this

Agreement, cannot be donated, sold, rented or otherwise disposed of within five years of their acquisition.

2. If the period specified in the previous paragraph is not respected, the competent authorities will be notified

and any necessary taxes or import duties shall be paid.

Article 12

Funds, foreign currency and assets

1. Without being restricted by controls, regulations or moratoria of any kind, the EPLO Regional Branch in

Portugal may:

a) Hold funds, currency or movable valuables of any kind and operate accounts in any currency;

b) Transfer freely its funds, currency or movable valuables from one country Lo another or within any country

and convert any currency held by it into any other currency.