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17 | - Número: 010 | 30 de Novembro de 2012
Promoting the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, which epitomised the Assembly’s strong political support for this instrument; Advancing women’s rights worldwide, which made a call for greater cooperation between the Council of Europe and UN Women, which was later materialised in a high level exchange of letters between the two organisations ; Equality between women and men: a condition for the success of the Arab Spring, which highlighted opportunities and challenges opened by the Arab revolutions; Multiple discrimination against Muslim women in Europe: for equal opportunities, and Political parties and women’s political representation.

4. Structures of the Committee of relevance for GEC To pursue its priorities, the Committee also decided to set up specific structures.
One is the sub-committee on gender equality, which is chaired by Ms Saidi, a Senator from Belgium. And the other, very relevant structure is the Parliamentary Network “Women Free from Violence”, which I have the honour to chair in my capacity as General Rapporteur on violence against women and Political Coordinator of the Network.

5. Focus on impact, implementation and active engagement Discrimination is a new structure. This reform was drawn from the outside – from the overall political will to reform the Assembly as a whole – but we tried to make the most of the opportunity which was being offered to us.
In doing so, we also renewed the working methods of the Committee: we tried to put less and less emphasis on the production of Assembly resolutions and recommendations, and more and more emphasis on IMPACT, IMPLEMENTATION and ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT of parliamentarians.

6. The Parliamentary Network “Women Free from Violence” The kind of work conducted by the Parliamentary Network “Women Free from Violence” is a good example of this new course.
After the opening for signature of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the so-called Istanbul Convention), the Network set itself as priority promoting its signature and ratification, so that the Convention can reach the minimum number of ratifications necessary for its entry into force.
There is no need for additional resolutions, recommendations or declarations. What is necessary is to transform a Convention which exists only on paper into a text which is incorporated in the legal system of Council of Europe member states and which can change, for good, the lives of millions of women.

Parliamentarians can make this happen.
They can DEMAND – on the strength of their elected mandate – their governments to sign the Convention; They can initiate and push through the ratification process; They can convince other parliamentarians and government ministers to support the Convention.

In the last year, the Network has increased it membership to 51 PARLIAMENTARIANS. It also includes members of parliament from Canada, Israel, Mexico as well as from Morocco and the Palestinian National Council.
It has organised 4 meetings dealing with different aspects of the Convention, so as to highlight its added value.
It has published a handbook on the Convention, which is being translated into 10 LANGUAGES; it has produced a regular Newsletter and other information and visibility material.

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