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21 | - Número: 010 | 30 de Novembro de 2012

This is not only a handbook for parliamentarians, it is guide explaining the Convention which can be used by government representatives, international organisations, non-governmental organisations and activists. The handbook gives arguments for an efficient promotion of the Convention. It is now available in English, French, Italian, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Portuguese, and very soon in Russian, German, Greek, Spanish and Albanian. We also encourage Network members to trigger discussions on violence against women, via the organisation of parliamentary hearings, exchanges of views, the participation in human rights film festivals and public debates. Concluding remarks Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished participants,

As a political coordinator of the Network, I feel that providing the tools for the promotion of the Convention is not enough. We can do more, by raising the sense of responsibility of States and urging them to ratify the Convention. I would therefore like to ask each of you to be a messenger for the promotion of the Convention and ask for its ratification. You can actively contribute to building a Europe of change, which would denounce violence against women as a human rights violation, which would not accept any excuse or justification for violence. A Europe which combats for the protection and respect of human rights, and for the dignity of each human being. Not only on special occasions or celebrations, but on every day of the year.

Thank you for your attention.” A DIVISÃO DE REDAÇÃO E APOIO AUDIOVISUAL.