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5 DE ABRIL DE 2014


Mr. Andrei Sannikov from Belarus. Mr. Sannikov leads the Civil Campaign “European Belarus.” He is a

former presidential candidate and a former political prisoner. Mr. Sannikov has also served as Deputy Foreign

Minister of Belarus. Many of you know him in these different capacities. In December 2010, Mr. Sannikov - a

candidate in the election, was arrested and later sentenced for his civic activities in the presidential election

campaign and big protests that followed. Our Committee, as well as the OSCE PA Working Group on Belarus,

has expressed deep concern for the fairness of his trial, the merit of his conviction and his treatment in prison.

Mr. Evguenii Zhovtis from Kazakhstan. Mr. Zhovtis is a long-time friend of the OSCE. He has briefed our

Assembly during our visits to Kazakhstan, and has been a prominent figure at the OSCE’s Human Dimension

Implementation Meetings in Warsaw, the US Helsinki Commission, and countless other international forums.

Mr. Zhovtis will speak on the rule of law situation in his country, with particular attention to the tragic cases of

Mr. Vladimir Kozlov and Ms. Roza Tuletaeva, serving long sentences for their work with striking labor workers

and with Kazakhstani opposition.

Mr. Rashid Hajili is joining us from Baku. Mr. Hajili is legal counsel to Mr. Anar Mammadli – a name that will

sound familiar to you. Mr. Mammadli is the head of the Azerbaijani Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies

Centre. This Centre has worked closely with the OSCE for many years, in particular during election observation

missions. Domestic election observation is an important element of the democratic process. Together with my

colleagues from the OSCE/ODIHR, we have expressed our deep concern for the detention of Mr. Mammadli.

We look forward to Mr. Hajili’s comments.

Many of you have been closely following developments in Turkey. We had a fascinating Annual Session in

Istanbul, and many of you had a chance to visit Taksim square and speak to demonstrators personally. Turkey

is undergoing complex and important changes, and today we will hear from Mr. Nurettin Demir. Dr. Demir is a

member of the Turkish Parliament, and a member of the Republican People’s Party in Turkey. He is the author

of an important report on rule of law, focusing on politicians who have been jailed in his country – many on

politically-motivated charges. Turkey is a key country for the OSCE, facing several elections this year, and

developments there are of particular interest to us here in our committee.”

Cada um dos intervenientes apresentou a sua situação concreta e a situação do seu país, com destaque

para aqueles que, em razão do seu discurso político e das divergências com o governo, se encontram detidos.

Foram também denunciados outros casos de abusos de direitos humanos, tortura, encerramento de meios de

comunicação social e outras restrições à liberdade de imprensa, uso da Interpol para perseguição de

adversários políticos, perseguição de ativistas e membros de ONG e detenções arbitrárias com atropelo aos

princípios fundamentais da justiça.

A sessão de encerramento desta reunião plenária teve a participação do Senhor Lamberto Zannier,

Secretário-Geral da OSCE, que – entre outros assuntos – informou que o orçamento da OSCE para 2014

ainda não tinha sido aprovado.

No período de perguntas e respostas o Deputado Adão Silva questionou o SG Zannier:

“A Ucrânia é atualmente um dos assuntos mais conspícuos da OSCE. O Senhor SG referiu que esteve

recentemente na Ucrânia e que falou com as pessoas que estavam na praça Maidan. Gostaria de lhe

perguntar que mensagem transmitiu ao povo ucraniano e que respostas obteve das pessoas com quem falou.

Afirmou também que ofereceu apoio num registo de neutralidade e felicito-o por isso. No entanto, gostaria de

saber qual é a sua opinião sobre o comportamento de algumas diplomacias que não só não ofereceram apoio

de forma neutral, como chegam ao ponto de ter comportamentos de chantagem para com o povo ucraniano.”

Seguiu-se um debate especial sobre a situação na Ucrânia.

O Deputado Adão Silva afirmou:

“Today all of us are Ukrainians and Maidan is the center of Europe (and of the OSCE region) as the French

philosopher Henry Levy wrote two days ago.

These days we notice that a large number of diplomatic activities are taking place. It is important to offer a

window for diplomacy to pull back from the brink of civil war. But without blackmail, regardless of its origin.

We can’t keep watching the political unrest in Ukraine with just a shrug of shoulders. People are getting

killed in clashes, people are missing, and people are getting injured.